Is it a fake to sow panic?

  • CritiGalDesist∞
    92 years ago

    I hope our honourable president Mr. Joe Biden sends you to Guantanamo Bay detention camp for speaking against the greatest human civilization on earth.

      • CritiGalDesist∞
        72 years ago

        Greatest Democracy+ Greatest Economy+ Greatest Human rights+ Greatest Freedom+ Greatest Society+ Greatest Military+ Greatest President… What more can you wish for? As I said it is literal heaven on God’s Earth.

          • CritiGalDesist∞
            22 years ago

            What’s global south? I don’t care about any global south. In fact I never did. Fuk’em. Only the superior white race should prevail. The world would be ruled by the Aryan American people! The non white Americans can live okay if they serve us properly. Hail White America and White Europe. Down with the non whites. You are propagandized.