They aren’t the most controversy-free group, but there’s a lot of value in their existence, especially for people newly working toward privacy. It’s also nice to see more groups acknowledging Lemmy

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
    11 months ago

    PrivacyGuides is one of the most harmful groups out there as far as their moderation goes. Its head Jonah (admin of instance created for PrivacyGuides) stole off $10000 ($17,500 in all) donations and put it into his private account, they seized PTIO subreddit which is locked to this day, they made a malicious GrapheneOS figurehead Tommy a moderator immediately after he published a faux hitpiece on me (which trended on PG for a month), and they protect toxic GrapheneOS devs/mods fervently to promote Google and Apple (mods/heads all are American/Canadian nationalists).

    You can find more here, and upon reading comments in here. He purposely evades and silences all criticism on reddit.

    I have critiqued them for the past 2 years, and shared what I documented here few days ago. They are busy with vote manipulation on my posts shared both on c/privatelife and c/privacy. I am sure recently people know of GrapheneOS dev’s incident with Louis Rossmann.

    Moreover, someone shared my critique writeup on their instance, where they removed my writeup immediately, have disabled downvoting (a form of evading criticisms), and have blocked/defederated instance as well, calling its users “liberals”. All in the span of one day.

    Please avoid celebrating every entity recognising Lemmy, and focus on organic growth with welcoming good people, not malicious people like this who shelter more malicious trolls. Many PrivacyGuides members often call me “chinese commie”, that is how bad they can be towards people.

    • bbbhltz
      611 months ago

      Oh wow, look at that: They did deactivate downvoting… Well, there are still ways to downvote but I guess if it is hidden on the web it serves their purpose. You’re not the only critic.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
        211 months ago

        They are trying so hard to maintain the vote ratio on my comment above, its clinically insane how far they can go to tarnish others and defend themselves.