Cutscenes can be memorable for many reasons, such as their emotional impact, their humor, their shock value, or their artistic quality. Some cutscenes are so iconic that they have become part of gaming culture and history.

Which one is burned into your memory?

    1 year ago

    @original_reader There are couple of scenes. I choose these two. I just don’t want tell too much more, anyone who reads this and played the games, know what happened.

    a) oldschool 2D sprites: Final Fantasy 6 on SNES from 1994. This game has too many to choose from, but here is one without spoiling. Celes, when she was alone and there was no more hope.
    b) oldschool rendered CD sequence: Final Fantasy 7 on Playstation 1 from 1997. The Aeris scene, which I don’t want to spoil.