Hi all,

I am trying to go vegan since quite some time. But this is harder for me then first thought.

I am looking for any advice and maybe some had the same hurdles and can give some tips and tricks.

There are two major issues for me currently:

  • I am on the spectrum. Major changes cause me stress.
  • I have to control my B12 input for medical reasons.

The last one is complicated bit I am certain there are good guides out there, maybe someone has one?

The first one on the other side seems unsolvable to me. While I am down to one non-vegan meal in a week, replacing the last one leads into the stress cycle again.

I also tried replacing my stress snacks, for example mixing them with other snacks, and “phase them out”, it did not work till now.

So, either I have to find a way to replace my snacks, or get rid of the last non-vegan meal.

Any advice is welcome, giving up is not an option.


  • the_joeba@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Just do your best, mistakes will happen. My wife and I have been fully vegan for 12 years, but she just got a gelatin medicine. Sucks, but the alternative is her health. We’ll find an alternative hopefully soon.

    Back in year one, we cheated and had a special ice cream, but it wasn’t worth it.

    If you can afford purple carrot for a few weeks, you can learn some new meals.

    When we started, we didn’t have many ‘vegan alternatives’ for meat, cheese, ice cream, mayo, etc, and we were much healthier eaters. Now we just use Beyond in our chili and call it a day, but it was better when we used TVP. It would be good to try both vegan meals, and substitute versions.

    Other than that, just remember why you’re doing it. I can’t stand the thought of hurting animals, so I could never go back. Some do it for the environment or health reasons and those are probably easier to give up on, but find a passionate reason to push you over that ledge.