This stuff is awesome; a while back I was looking up Chinese dishes I could try (as I especially love steamed Chinese chicken buns) and discovered this (dessert?) and just loved it. I tried it both steamed and fried and my own personal preference is fried. This stuff is awesome, definitely can’t have just one. I had six with lunch and I just can’t stop thinking about getting more and I gotta stop myself, cause no way all that fried food can be good for you, but damn I can’t stop thinking about it.

EDIT: Actually now I think I remember what pointed me towards this dish: I was reading up about some Chinese historical figures (legends?) and read something about one of their figures eating this and I was like ‘hmmm, curious…’

  • niph [she/her]
    22 days ago

    I actually prefer steamed mantou with some savoury pickled/brined veg or fermented tofu. The fried is nice as an occasional snack but it’s so heavy I can’t eat many of them