Remember, EM POC only!

Sleepy as hell again, comrades, but I might as well get this posted up before I go ahead and rest.

That aside, let’s get those weekly EM POC vibes going!


    • Angel [any]@hexbear.netOPM
      2 days ago

      Okay, but if you are vegan, then hopefully you do realize that the only reason why a vegan, regardless of their own race or ethnic group, has to make a statement like “Culture does not justify immoral acts” in response to carnists is because of carnists who spontaneously accuse vegans of anti-Indigenous racism, a colonialist mindset, and whatnot. Vegans are not doing special, targeted campaigns against Indigenous people or any ethnic group for that matter. This is a bad faith red herring that is brought up by anti-vegan leftists to make veganism sound reactionary when it’s absolutely not. This shit would not be prompted at all if carnists didn’t pull this awful bit of concern trolling, which, if anything, is the truly racist shit to say, not the other way around. As a vegan of color, I am tired of people painting veganism this way. Holding everyone, regardless of culture, to the exact same standard of rejecting animal abuse and exploitation is what vegans typically do, but turning to this irrelevant tangential discussion about “culture,” which is nonsensical because literally no truly vegan culture has ever existed within history, is the result of anti-vegan leftists looking for a way to defend something as gross and offensive as animal exploitation and abuse.

      • grazing7264 [they/them, comrade/them]
        2 days ago

        Vegans still have a responsibility to be anti-racist. POC should be in charge of the dialogue between other POC and I don’t trust whites to be given permission to dismiss criticism of their tone, behavior or unchecked racism towards POC just because they’re vegan in the same way I can’t tolerate white queers being weird towards POC cishet men.

        Intersectionality and empathy should be the bare minimum. Talking about veganism between POC is already like pulling teeth I don’t see how giving honkies an inch of moral license to dismiss intersectionality and cultural sensitivity will help things. They’re still white and throw a disproportionate amount of power when talking to or talking down to people.

        • Angel [any]@hexbear.netOPM
          2 days ago

          Vegans do have a responsibility to be anti-racist like everyone else, and as a black vegan, I wholeheartedly believe that it’s okay to flat-out say that culture does not justify carnism. That is not racist, and it may upset people, but veganism, like any other justice movement, takes a stance against oppression. By the way, nothing of your response touches up on my point that the reason why any vegan must make this criticism is because of concern trolling done by carnists. Hell, many of the carnists who pull this “veganism is anti-Indigenous” shit themselves are not even Indigenous! A good portion of them are white! Most vegans don’t feel the need to say shit like “culture does not justify carnism” unprompted; it’s generally stated as a response to people using it as a bad excuse for supporting animal exploitation. Like I said, every single culture in history has been carnist, so it’s an irrelevant red herring at best too!

          This rhetoric is no different than a Jewish person saying something like “most anti-Zionists are gentiles, so therefore I cannot trust most anti-Zionists to not be antisemitic,” and then proceeding to use that as a thought-terminating cliché to silence the voice of any anti-Zionist who is a gentile. Oppression is oppression, and just because oppression is being done by a group that has also historically been oppressed, that doesn’t make oppression ever morally justified. The same goes for BIPOC carnists, which, by the way, should have no say in how vegan intersectionality works, but most of the people who accuse white vegans of having staunch degrees of racism are carnists. I know you yourself said that you are vegan, but your apologism is still totally unprompted because nothing stated by any white vegan on c/vegan was even racist at all, and that only makes the ban justified as apologism is against the rules. The sentiment was totally innocuous.

          Most people who complain about veganism lacking intersectionality are as disingenuous as someone like Candace Owens complaining about feminism lacking intersectionality. Since she is someone who doesn’t support feminism, no matter how intersectional it is or not, I honestly wouldn’t take what she’s saying in that regard at face value.