I heard HK history education was bad but never knew it was ‘Nanjing massacre was fake’ bad.

  • These are the scum who call you genocide deniers for not falling for horseshit regarding the Soviet famine of '32-'33(which wiki changed to 30-33 to justify blaming it on the big spoon man), the three years of famine and the re-education efforts in Xinjiang. We’re worse than nazis for not buying into conspiracies while they’re denying events as evident as those in Auschwitz.

  • @OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml
    72 years ago

    Japan has not only not apologized, it did not prosecute war criminals and even raised them to positions of power or great carreers. For example, see the monsters who were running Unit 731.

      • 陈卫华是我的英雄
        42 years ago

        And the most offensive thing about the Unit 731 absorbtion was that their experiment results never ended actually benefiting anyone. Their experiments mostly went along the lines of “hey, what if we impregnated someone, infected them with syphilis or some other disease and then cut open their fetus to look at the remains?” (actual Unit 731 experiment) or “hey, what if we injected someone with saltwater?” (also a real Unit 731 experiment" or “what if we dropped canisters filled with fleas infected with the Black Death on Chinese cities?” (actual Japanese military operation). The way they obtained their data was fucking horrendous, and it never even took anyone to the moon, either.