…to keep running as is.

creator of Apollo, a popular Reddit client for iOS, relays his talks with Reddit about upcoming ridiculous API pricing.

    • @Ashwag@beehaw.org
      1211 months ago

      And another one here. I’m wrapping my head around all the different servers and trying to connect it all in my head. So on paper I guess I only need to register to a single instance, then somehow can post / read from other communities on beehaw.org right?

  • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
    2311 months ago

    @noodlejetski For all the new people coming in, a fun thing about the Fediverse is that you can actually grab content from more platforms than just Lemmy if you feel so inclined. I, for instance, am commenting on this thread from Mastodon. I subscribe to users on PixelFed (decentralized Instagram + Flickr), Mastodon (decentralized Twitter kind of), Calckey (like Mastodon but with a different feature set), and Lemmy of course. So just keep in mind that that if you find yourself wanting more types of content, unlike silo’d corporate social media, you do have the option to explore the rest of the Fediverse ecosystem and have the content there show up in your feed. Mastodon alone has like 2.1 million monthly active users.

      • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
        811 months ago

        @SaintPaul Well, IDK the specifics of following a user on Lemmy because I’m only a Mastodon user, but finding content on other platforms I can do. You just pick largish servers since those tend to be well-federated and type hashtags into their search bar. Like I went to Calckey’s flagship instance just now to search for nature pics, so I typed in #nature and it gave me a bunch of nature pics from a variety of platforms (though mostly from Mastodon and Pixelfed). From there if you see content you like you build up a follow list. Nothing too complicated. Other platforms like Mastodon and Calckey also give you the option to subscribe to hashtags if you prefer that.


        There’s a link if you want to take a gander for yourself.

        • @malachy@beehaw.org
          411 months ago

          Thanks very much for the info, that’s super interesting.

          I’m very techy both from my job and other interests and the fediverse seems a little daunting to me but at least I have a starting place to start exploring, thanks for the links and info!

          • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
            311 months ago

            @malachy Glad to help! I’ve wanted a workable alternative to corporate social media for like 10 years at this point, so I’m happy to see an increased interest in Fediverse platforms.

    • DJDarren
      811 months ago

      I’m interested in figuring this out myself. I’ve been using Masto since November, and keep hearing about the interoperability of the Fediverse, but have yet to be able to work out how it actually works in practice. Like, how are you commenting on this from Mastodon, because I just searched for Beehaw from there, and it just brought me to this page and wouldn’t show me anything first.

      • Kamirose
        11 months ago

        @DJDarren On Mastodon, search for “@ technology @ beehaw.org” (no spaces) and you’ll be able to see the posts from there.

        Of course, since Mastodon is a Twitter-esque platform and Beehaw is a Reddit-esque platform, the layout on Mastodon isn’t ideal. But it is workable.

        • DJDarren
          511 months ago

          Thank you! I’ve done that, and yeah, it seems to work. After a fashion. It’ll take some time to get used to, mind.

          • Darren
            611 months ago

            Still figuring out how Fediverse and ActivityPub and all that works, and it’s *really* weird to see my posts on another site turn up on Mastodon, never mind being able to reply to myself and have it show up elsewhere…


      • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
        511 months ago

        @DJDarren Lemmy communities seem to be treated like users on the Mastodon side of things, so you can just input @ username @ domain (minus the spaces) into Mastodon’s search bar and follow them like normal. The posts then get boosted into my feed where I can reply to them like any other Mastodon post. There does seem to be a warm-up period if you happen to be the first person on your Mastodon instance to follow a community, but once that’s done I’ve found the interop to be reliable.

          • alyaza [they/she]M
            311 months ago

            not that i’m aware of currently, no, which is really irritating. it’s apparently in the pipeline but this is an ill-suited time to gain such an influx of people without that, lol

            • @ucumu@beehaw.org
              411 months ago

              That’s a shame. I like this interface a lot more than Mastadon. I never really got into twitter.

      • Kamirose
        11 months ago

        @DJDarren On Mastodon, search for “@technology” and you’ll be able to see the posts from there.

        Of course, since Mastodon is a Twitter-esque platform and Beehaw is a Reddit-esque platform, the layout on Mastodon isn’t ideal. But it is workable.

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    2011 months ago

    Lmao first they offer free good services and then once enough people are there they squeeze them as good as possible. I wonder when discord will start.

    Let’s be real what reddit offers is only a lot of users, all the tech can easily be rebuilt.

  • Ada
    1711 months ago

    Guess I’m done with reddit then it seems…

    • @armeck@beehaw.org
      2111 months ago

      I think that was so long ago, that many folks think that Reddit is some untouchable entity. They have no idea how huge Digg was and how amazingly fast people left it.

      • BrooklynMan
        311 months ago

        Pepperidge Farm remembers. And me, because i’m old. Lemmy reminds me of early reddit, all of those years ago.

    • @noodlejetski@beehaw.orgOP
      1311 months ago

      but it also feels about 3.64x more scummy, given that 1. they haven’t had an official client for YEARS, which allowed the third party client landscape to thrive, and then purchased one of the most successful iOS clients in order to turn it into the official one.

      • BattleOften
        1411 months ago

        Oh, it’s so much worse than that. They purchased Alien Blue, built their own app that utilized some of features of Alien Blue (the reason they had to purchase the app due to IP), launched their hot pile of garage that they call an all, and then threw Alien Blue in the trash.

  • @JustLookWhoItIs@beehaw.org
    1311 months ago

    Absolutely insane that they’re tanking their 3rd party apps like this. Their 1st party apps is so bad. Big shout out to the (mods? Admin? Owners?) Of beehaw for being being on their game for accepting new users like me quickly today.

    • Lvxferre
      11 months ago

      Oh look yet another new user! I’m also surprised on how fast I was accepted today.

      On-topic: the sad part is that it’s a sensible move for their goals (profit maximisation). It’s simply cheaper to get rid of better competitors than make your own software better.

      • @Gork@beehaw.org
        211 months ago

        Can’t maximize profits if enough people jump ship. I dunno if that’ll happen though, if this ends up being a Digg moment for the larger Reddit community.

        • Lvxferre
          211 months ago

          I hope that this becomes a Digg moment, but I don’t think that it will - odds are that they already predicted that some users will leave, and the amount of users leaving will be still small enough to make the move profitable.

  • @jherazob@beehaw.org
    1211 months ago

    This is it for me for mobile Reddit. I also cancelled my Gold subscription, and likely will step down as mod for a tiny sub i mod, not gonna give them any more free work. And if (when!) they remove Old Reddit i’ll leave the site for good. Too bad Lemmy is still in very early stages (very similar to Reddit in it’s first years in fact), or it’d be THE alternative. Hopefully many people will join in.

    • Chris Remington
      1111 months ago

      Too bad Lemmy is still in very early stages…

      Lemmy is only one platform on the Fediverse which is enormous.

      • @jherazob@beehaw.org
        1011 months ago

        You’re technically correct, but go to any of the various “This is the Fediverse”, “Join Fediverse” and the like, and many, many times you won’t even see them acknowledge the existence of Lemmy, happened to me when i decided to jump in last month. Compare amounts of people, Mastodon instances can number in the thousands while the best you get here is dozens, maybe low hundreds. Lemmy is tiny, and it’s focus on communities isolates it further from the rest of the Fediverse, the federation doesn’t help in the slightest, open Lemmy and all you see is the same dozen posts for days, you don’t see on Lemmy posts from the rest of Fediverse because they just don’t apply. This is fine, lemme emphasize, but it’s early stages and it’s undeniable.

          • @n7gifmdn@lemmy.ca
            411 months ago

            sure seems to integrate better with the rest of group platforms on the 'verse, including Friendica Forums, Gup.pe groups, and Lemmy Communities, in addition to their own version of subreddits, that they call magazines for some reason.

        • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
          511 months ago

          Plus maybe it’s just me but when I open lemmy, I don’t want to see the rest of the fediverse. Lemmy serves a very different purpose from mastodon or plemora.

          It’s one thing I never understood about the fediverse. These platforms are separate on the normal web for a reason.

          • Ada
            411 months ago

            @morrowind Yep. I really like the fact that even though the fediverse can interact with lemmy content, the default view within lemmy is still only groups content and not the whole fediverse

            @noodlejetski @jherazob @admin

      • @Neuromancer@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        the Fediverse which is enormous.

        Is it really? I mean, compared to reddit, how many users does the Fediverse have?

        • Chris Remington
          211 months ago

          Personally, I don’t give a fuck about Reddit. Approximately, 3 million and climbing on the Fediverse. It’s not about quantity but quality.

          • @Neuromancer@lemmy.ml
            211 months ago

            Actually more than I would have guessed. Still not “enormous” by any reasonable definition. I don’t think the Fediverse as a whole is ever going to leave the tiny niche if currently occupies without acknowledging said niche, and it really needs to get past the niche to replace reddit as the “front page(s) of the internet”.

    • Lvxferre
      611 months ago

      Lemmy has the potential to grow even faster than Reddit. I mean, the potential, not that it will (although I hope so).

      • Gaywallet (they/it)
        611 months ago

        I’m of mixed mind on this. I’m not sure we’ve really figured out how to scale beehaw or if it even can be scaled. I can’t imagine a smaller community like this actually adhering to it’s principles at a size of even 1/1000th of Reddit.

        While I greatly appreciate the influx of users and hope it helps to sustain this environment with lots of wonderful content, I also worry about decisions we may need to make in the future to ensure it stays a nice place. The more attention and the more mainstream it becomes, the more difficult it becomes to keep things civil. People like to misbehave on the Internet and part of the reason places like this work is people being upset with this paradigm, but that can only be successful if it’s mostly people upset with the paradigm registering and not the people who are out there being mean to others.

        • Lvxferre
          311 months ago

          I agree that, past a certain size, it becomes harder to enforce behaviour. However that’s where I think that the nature of the Fediverse helps a lot.

          As long as maintenance of the userbase is done diligently, and no Eternal September changes the nature of the core userbase, people who want a rougher community will eventually migrate to their own instances. It’s hard to do this in Reddit, but perfectly doable in the Fediverse, and the migrating users don’t even need to break ties with Beehaw.

          So in effect, the problem (people wanting to behave in a way not allowed by the community) solves itself. I think that this gives Beehaw way more room to scale than it looks like.

  • Millions
    911 months ago

    Once they nuke third party apps I’m gonna start using it on desktop exclusively, but I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to do that for long, I feel like old reddit is on it’s way out too.