• @a_Ha@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        ok, i read that article, and :

        The big picture is that warp drives are getting some serious attention from researchers who work on general relativity.

        … well, this is scientific research, yet, it is not a positive scientific result. There are no “Warped Drive” based on science.
        is there any reasons to believe otherwise ?

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          12 years ago

          What the article actually says is that negative energy drives are likely impossible, however slower than light speed drives may be possible. It’s an ongoing research, and there’s not enough evidence to claim that such drives aren’t possible. So, yes there is plenty of research suggesting that there are reasons to believe otherwise.

          • @a_Ha@lemmy.ml
            22 years ago

            it might be only semantics, yet it seems we disagree. Here i read “science” has “established science”. I know “research” as what’s going on in the life and the head of searchers : funding, instrumentation, experimentation, analysis, publication and politics … inside all this, “science” is an accidental and lucky byproduct.

              • @a_Ha@lemmy.ml
                32 years ago

                Nor does it precludes (farfetch hypothesis X). My un-scientific instinct tells me warp drives is like time travel : amusing & appealing yet unlikely.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  22 years ago

                  Our understanding of physics does not preclude time travel, especially in the forward direction. Anything moving at relativistic speeds will experience time dilation meaning that subjective time will be experienced differently. The only type of warp drive that’s currently controversial in terms of plausibility is one that requires negative energy.