Personally, I don’t consider it moral at all. They spent a lot of money on that thing. And what if people on the other side decide to vandalize back?
This looks like relatively harmless vandalism. What if it escalates?
What if car vandalism isn’t enough, what if they burn your house down? Or you to them?
I just think it’s an ugly way to live & nothing good comes from messing with shit that isn’t yours. In this case, the fitting punishment is already applied & by their own hand. Rapid depreciation, vehicles that rust in car washes, virtually no product support, expensive to maintain, ridicule from others…idk. I think that’s enough on its own.
It’s good to be prepared before the need arises. These can be made, unused, put away for a rainy day. Maybe it’ll never be needed.
This drone stuff is no joke, any dumb terrorist/criminal fuck with a few hundred dollars can get a drone & do terrible things. Evil people can never just be allowed to have the upper hand, with no countermeasures.
Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.
In any case…it’s either stuff like this, or jamming propellers, or steel birdshot. We’ve all seen the Ukrainian drone footage.