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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • It’s good to be prepared before the need arises. These can be made, unused, put away for a rainy day. Maybe it’ll never be needed.

    This drone stuff is no joke, any dumb terrorist/criminal fuck with a few hundred dollars can get a drone & do terrible things. Evil people can never just be allowed to have the upper hand, with no countermeasures.

    Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

    In any case…it’s either stuff like this, or jamming propellers, or steel birdshot. We’ve all seen the Ukrainian drone footage.

  • Personally, I don’t consider it moral at all. They spent a lot of money on that thing. And what if people on the other side decide to vandalize back?

    This looks like relatively harmless vandalism. What if it escalates?

    What if car vandalism isn’t enough, what if they burn your house down? Or you to them?

    I just think it’s an ugly way to live & nothing good comes from messing with shit that isn’t yours. In this case, the fitting punishment is already applied & by their own hand. Rapid depreciation, vehicles that rust in car washes, virtually no product support, expensive to maintain, ridicule from others…idk. I think that’s enough on its own.

  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafeto196@lemmy.worldHypocritical Oligarchic Rulers
    9 days ago

    Republicans & Conservatives would constantly cry, “They’re destroying the _______.”

    The government? They’re just really in love with the government, this is what they’re known for?

    No. The answer to that fill-in-the-blank is, “They’re destroying the COUNTRY.” Government /= country, it’s not even fucking close. This reminds me of when I’m “quoted” but they change the words. 😂 Changing words changes the whole context, usually to make me look worse & their arguments (artificially) look better.

  • Not quite as sold on it as the rest of the internet. Personally. About 5-6 years ago, people started bleeping every single goddamn word that could in any way be construed as troublesome, triggering, or any word directly tied to a controversial topic.

    “Kll, rpe, mrder, pssy, dck, a**hole, fck, cndm, scde, terrrst, rtrd, gy, fgt, gncde,” I mean the list just goes on and on and ON & there’s no real objective standard. Everyone enforces the asterisks on a whim, just how they feel that day, and suddenly an article becomes a round on Wheel of Fortune. I’d like to buy a vowel, please??

    Then cvid hit, and everybody’s talking about vccnes, the shot, the jab, the Fauci ouchie, etc. Vaxx. 🙄

    Idk I’m just over it, I say the words. Except for “the n-word” and other overtly racial slurs. I can’t fully articulate my reasoning behind this; like you, I’m going to have to think on it. But I just view it as political correctness, controlling words & controlling, restricting conversation about uncomfortable topics to game things in their favor. Hijacking Christian values like decency & submission, manipulating their emotions to railroad their thinking into the mainstream. Idk. I’m just…pro-free speech & anti-whatever the fuck you want to call this nonsense.

    You can be pro-free speech, and not censor the words, and people will still be subject to the consequences of their speech. 🙂

  • …no… Still not the story behind Let’s Go Brandon. It’s a constant call to attention that a reporter tried to lie about a crowd of young men yelling “Fuck Joe Biden” at a NASCAR race. Insisting they were instead chanting, “Let’s Go Brandon”.

    So much like the Pritzker signs with dual meaning, when they were saying Let’s Go Brandon, it’s not only saying Fuck Joe Biden, but also fuck the people censoring speech.

  • Idk exactly what you’re referring to, I see a bunch with FORD put in on the grille. And that’s the easiest debadge-job ever; you just buy an aftermarket clean grille. I think it looks very nice & clean.

    Same thing with the tailgate, either find a way to tastefully remove the logos or buy aftermarket. I like the look of the “air flow” tailgates, or the straps.

    Especially if you’re buying a junker, and you don’t care if it looks super nice…that’s just free license to get creative & rip 'em off, cover up any way you see fit. Fuck Ford badges. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldDebadging a car
    13 days ago

    I agree, people will know, but debadging even that little oval? Taking it out of the grille? That is very intentional, it doesn’t occur by accident, it might even make some people go, “…huh.”

    I would refuse to have their emblems on my vehicle. I have my reasons. Unless somebody wants to buy me a nice one & leaving badges on was part of the conditions, by all means, drop thousands of dollars on me & make me a hypocrite. I am nothing if not practical. But if it’s my money, on my Ford vehicle, all badges & emblems are being stripped off.

  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldDebadging a car
    14 days ago

    Another reason not listed: fuck the manufacturer. I don’t pay, I don’t drive around town, I don’t live my life to be an advertisement for you. ¯\(°_o)/¯

    Ford has done me wrong. Ford has done America wrong. But for the right price, I still might consider driving a Ford. Why cut off your nose to spite your face? But you bet your ass I’d debadge that motherfucker. Ford doesn’t deserve to be publicly acknowledged by me on my goddamned vehicle, bought with my goddamned money, to be seen by others. Nah. I’m not doing that.

    Get a salvage Ford, or a really ugly/deformed Ford, debadge it? Hell yeah. Let’s go.

    I also don’t like explicitly branded clothing. Why do we pay to advertise for these people, like it’s some kind of privilege or status? 🤨 Especially the most basic bitch stuff out there, manufactured by foreign slave labor. Idk, it’s all dumb.

  • I guess that is an angle. But I think I heard of an old Asian tale basically saying that tyrants, dictators, and oppressors require amazing security detail by default. But universally loved rulers who care for the people & do incredible amounts of good need minimal security, and every good man is an unpaid member of their security detail. Virtually all will work to protect him.

    Even if that were the case, if you could quickly work over a few countries & create organic, fertile topsoil for all the barren land on Earth – I would argue you have a moral obligation to quickly, quietly execute that power. Even if it kills you. Perhaps start by creating oceans of slightly stale baguettes in the deserts; leave people in the dark. Then go to countries in secret & be like I am the bread god, you’ve seen my work, pay me now, and get all the bread.

    Even if they were to eventually find & kill you, strictly speaking about utility, creating millions of tons of fertile, rich compost & filling the bellies of millions of people is more good than you or I could ever hope to accomplish in a lifetime. Even a million people. It would be an act of goodness that would change the world forever.