Eris235 [undecided]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2020


  • is is the case with most health issues, certain deficiencies can cause certain issues. But, outside of having a specific deficiency, its all placebo.

    Will taking vitamin D and B12, magnesium, etc. cure your AuDHD? No.

    Could taking them make you feel better in some ways, freeing up some spoons/mental space to better handle whatever issues in your life that requires energy and focus to deal with? Yes, its possible. Assuming you are deficient, which, minor to moderate deficiencies in those three aren’t uncommon.

  • That would literally kill me (well, probably actually just sent me to the hospital).

    I thought, when I first went vegetarian (vegan now) years ago, that I wouldn’t need to specify ‘no fish’ when I ordered food labeled ‘vegetarian’. But Fish sauce or Oyster sauce has sent me to the hospital at least once.

    I no don’t really eat out ever anymore, as I don’t feel like gambling on the 1% cross contamination chart (got several other allergies too), but its crazy to me that food labeled as vegetarian is allowed to have fish sauce in it.

  • Can’t relate; I do think its pretty boring. Its up there with like; clubbing or bar culture. I don’t hate it, but I’m left wishing it was just like, a house party or something, somewhere less loud and crowded.

    I don’t shit on sportsfans or anything, I just can’t understand why its enjoyable to watch. But like, there’s lots of hobbies I don’t ‘get’, so I’m not judging people for liking things I don’t. And I do like playing sports, generally speaking.

  • I didn’t care for it. Very much ‘skill issue’, but all the games I’ve played so far against people has felt like I lost the game in the first 10 minutes, and then had to endure 30 minutes of getting my balls stepped on for the game to end, since there’s no surrender option, and didn’t feel like there’s any ‘comeback’ mechanics, but also the winning team feels like it takes a while to actually secure victory.

    Compared to League of Legends (which I haven’t played in years, but did rack up many hours back in college), where a) you can surrender, and more importantly b) its possible to win quite quickly, both from just being ahead, but also from doing a cheeky ‘backdoor’.

    Deadlock, it feels like the ‘securing victory’ route requiring minions, and also just being a multistage affair with mandatory wait periods in between, just makes it feel like a slog, both being on the winning or losing side.

  • Thank you for the answer! That makes it a lot more clear what’s going on; the impression I got from the marketing material was kind of all over the place and made it seem a “do everything” mess.

    Probably not the game for me? Sounds like I might like 2/5s of the core gameplay, but also probably will mildly to strongly dislike another 2/5s. I like puzzles and platforming, but I find hack and slash combat extremely boring. I do like that there’s no ‘timed social links’ like in Personal; one of like 3 major reasons why I don’t like those games.

  • I agree a lot. To me, I’d describe it as a ‘head in the clouds’ kind of feeling. Like there’s some long tether between ‘feelings’ in the visceral sense, and the conceptualizing and wandering thoughts of my ‘conscious mind’. And any big emotional change feels like its distant and takes time to ‘work its way up’, not to mention just the various impressions that I just don’t feel emotions on connect to reality the same way others do. One of the little things that is just kind of petty but always makes me feel alien, is I just don’t like most media. I don’t like movies or TV, I don’t like the vast majority of music.

    I also definitely have that ‘veiled third eye’ feeling, or the sense of catching snippets of sounds or sights that are hidden or Important. But its worth noting, I have schizophrenia, so I know what that part of it is all about. But a big part of those kinds of things for me isn’t just the hallucination of the sense, but the delusion that it is real and important, the same way some thoughts feel profound and correct, and I gotta recognize and ground or check in with others.