Pas på, det kan være du ikke klarer kvalifikationskravene og så er der altså 4 år til næste event!
Other accounts: EvilCartyen@lemmy.world
Pas på, det kan være du ikke klarer kvalifikationskravene og så er der altså 4 år til næste event!
Vehicles are low key the dumbest shit to ever hit MTG
Det eneste jeg har manglet er alle jer nye 😘
Det er vel bare at gøre det ulovligt at gøre det med fortsæt, ikke uden fortsæt.
Jeg forestiller mig at det er tæt på umuligt at bevise, men i princippet er jeg enig i at al præventionssnyd skal være ulovligt på lige fod.
There’s an ancient coin cleaning community here, although it’s not active, but there are still some posts up which might help you 🙂 I think it’s in the sidebar or you can search for it.
Men man måler jo ikke på hvor meget mennesklig glæde der er forbundet med alkohol 😏
Nej, fåkkit vi gør det live!
Det kan du selv være
An acid bath would strip off all the silver and ruin it, but it’s conceivable you could clean it mechanically and make it a little bit prettier. But for the price it’s a nice coin indeed!
Edit: But don’t try to clean it more now, it really is something which takes tens of hours and is an expert pursuit.
It’s fun and surprisingly affordable! You can always start small 😊
Det er heldigvis pissekoldt så man med god samvittighed kan blive indenfor :)
No problem :) Do you collect?
I don’t know much about the fiscal history of the Roman Empire, except that it seems like they didn’t really understand inflation. But then again - I don’t think that can be true, can it? It seems like such a fundamental and basic concept that it’s hard to imagine a sophisticated society not having a basic grasp of it.
Can you recommend a good source for the fiscal history of the Roman Empire?
He is indeed an interesting character and emperor, and I suppose his ascend is the start of the soldier-emperors and the Crisis in earnest. The next 50 years are going to be rough for the Romans.
Which reminds me, I should post an Aurelian coin one of these days.
Yes, definitely, but there might be some element of playing the part of the soldier from the frontiers - the brutal barbarian - to keep people in line. Still, Herodian does mention that he was of an impressive size and he’s generally more reliable than the Historia Augusta, right?
According to the Historia Augusta, certainly! IRL? Who knows…
I don’t actually remember, this was bought via FB messenger many years ago (2017?) and I have since deleted my account. Prices are quite a bit higher post covid anyway…
Edit: But it wasn’t terribly expensive - something like 40-60 USD at the most.
Meh, jeg er ikke helt overbevist - se også: https://medium.com/@ovenplayer/does-proton-really-support-trump-a-deeper-analysis-and-surprising-findings-aed4fee4305e
Jeg tror da klart vi er tættere på en eskalering end vi tror, fx i Baltikum. Manglere bare lige at Tyskland falder til AfD og Frankrig til ham Le Pens efterfølger, og så er vi uden strategisk lederskab i Europa.