Admin on the Lemmy instance.

He/Him or what ever you feel like.


Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

  • 1.32K Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2022

  • That is why I said it depends. There are many places where the electricity cuts quite frequently for a short duration. Often you don’t even notice it, but a 24/7 server would be effected.

    In general, I think the risk of laptop batteries catching fire is overstated especially if you limit the charge to 80% or so. So weighting these two issues against each other you can come out either way, but I think for most places it will come down towards a UPS being nice to have.

  • On another technical note: I finally got around installing the solar-panels on the roof of the place that acts as the “datacenter” for the SLRPNK servers. The servers were already running on battery charged at night since March of this year (mostly wind and geothermal grid power then) and now I will try to run them fully on solar-power.

    It’s not a complete off-grid system, so if there is a power shortage it will still pull from the grid (which at peak times is sadly still 60% fossil fuel here), but I am reasonably confident that most of the time this will not be necessary as the battery has sufficient capacity.

  • Nicht hier auf Lemmy, wo die neue Studie durchaus verlinked wurde 😜

    Aber bei aller durchaus berechtigten Medienschelte, ist dieser Artikel kaum besser. In der neue Studie geht es ebenfalls nur um einen kleinen Teilbereich des AMOC und der korrigierte Effekt ist laut der Studie nur geringer als bisher angenommen. Da den Halbsatz der erstaunlich stabilen Floridastömung herauszugreifen ist ebenfalls journalistisch nicht sauber, da der gesammte AMOC bisher erstaunlich stabil ist… bis das eben nicht mehr zutrifft, da wir hier mit nicht-linearen Effekten zu tun haben.