👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


  • 34 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I live In Melbourne, Australia. I have heard that Manchester is a pretty decent city for queer folks, but I think there’s a lot of factors that go into it. The NHS (and the UK as a whole) has a lot of deep and systemic issues when it comes to healthcare for trans folks, which don’t exist here in Aus, or in my state. As well Melbourne has been very resistant to the import of right-wing anti-trans rhetoric from the US and UK.

  • Yeah, I think so! There’s a trans indoor climbing group in my city that meets once a month, and it’s really comfy being around other queer folks while doing it. I really enjoyed the camaraderie that entailed, building each other up and looking out for one another.

    I definitely felt what you’re talking about, quieting my mind and focusing on the problem at hand.

    Funnily enough, I probably will have to focus more on using my arms than my legs. I have a physical disability and my knees are a major pain point. I use a power chair a lot of the time outside the house. I actually loved that nobody made me feel infantilised even though I rocked up in it.

  • Are you incapable of using a search engine? It’s the top result. “Fixed That For You”. What I was calling out is you calling it a “hand movement” which is a right-wing dogwhistle, and one you’ve repeated again in your follow up comment to me. It was very clearly a nazi salute. He did it twice. Call it what it was.

  • I don’t think anyone is denying that zerowaste *doesn’t hurt.* However, in my opinion, it is greenwashing, for a number of reasons. Firstly, it barely scratches the surface, probably being only a fraction of a percent difference. Secondly, it puts the onus on the consumer, rather than the big producers of waste. I have a chronic illness, and I know you do as well, and we shouldn’t have to be the ones that bear the brunt of “saving the environment”. Thirdly, a lot of the changes that have occurred are kind of ableist, or at least ignore the needs of those with disabilities. For example, plastic bags being outlawed in favour of paper ones. Hanging those off my chair, they split and dump my groceries on the ground pretty regularly. I have reusable bags, but sometimes I forget them, because of my psychosocial disabilities. So my choice then is cheap, shitty paper bags, or paying for more expensive reusable bags, when I’m only on a disability pension. Meanwhile, not a single thing I buy (and I tend to buy more processed, plastic-packed food because of said disabilities) has had to change its packaging in any way. It’s ridiculous that I’m required to use a shitty paper straw (plastic ones are outlawed here) with a cup and lid made from plastic. That is literally just greenwashing at that point.

    Also, if you wanted to genuinely make a difference as an individual, then cutting all beef consumption would have a hundredfold impact over cutting plastic usage.