I checked out the PR but I’m not sure what this means
I checked out the PR but I’m not sure what this means
These tech vultures don’t innovate; they appropriate. They slap a logo on what’s been painstakingly built by the collective effort of underpaid researchers and public institutions, then act like they’ve cracked the code of the universe. It’s theft, dressed up in a hoodie and a TED Talk.
Well said, starred this comment
To quote a post from HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43070155
42772827 1 day ago | next [–]
There have been several threads about this on HN over the past few days and months. Just to avoid the confusion that seems to follow these, a few notes:
(1) This is the “Download and Transfer” option where Amazon allowed users to select books they had purchased a license to and download them from the Amazon website.
(2) The ability to transfer books from your computer to your Kindle using a USB cable is not affected.
(3) The ability to send non-Amazon-licensed ePubs using the Send to Kindle email feature is not affected.
Still seems pretty bad though
cd ~/repos/work-project27
git checkout dev
git branch new_feature
### code for a few hours, close laptop, go to sleep, next morning
git checkout dev
### code for a few more hours, close laptop go to sleep, next morning
## "oh fuck, I already implemented this in new_feature but differently"
git checkout dev
git diff new_feature
## "oh no. oh no no no. oh fuck. I can't merge any of this upstream and my history is borked."
git clone git@workhub:work/work-project work-project28
cd ~/repos/work-project28
Don’t make eye contact. Don’t acknowledge its existence.
I mean you joke, but the entire south of Germany is a bunch of (quote unquote) “towns” tenuously linked together through the mountaineous black forest, with broken train lines and excellent roads. They make it work by convincing themselves that a weekend cycle up a mountain with bouts of skiing in winter is what every person should do. And I agree.
Oh true – Alien did it pretty good
I do find cartoons the best examples here. Pippi Långstrump is an interesting choice since I think that’s aimed primarily at girls, but PepperAnn did it pretty well with an ambiguous audience. Daria (arguably, though she’s a bit of a toxic character). Kim Possible maybe? Again probably mostly aimed at valley girls, but the show was interesting enough that anyone could watch it.
Books wise, plenty of examples. Lyra, Matilda, Anne of Green Gables, etc.
I think issue is just hollywood. They pander to the lower common denominator which tends to be alpha males looking to justify their existence
w.r.t to building new towns, I once spent an embarrassingly long time looking at this map and wondering why no town exists between the vast gap between Preston and Newcastle.
Then I realised that’s the Yorkshire Dales. There’s a whole damn forest with mountains there.
I was gonna say, really? AI to parse a timeline? Overkill
The centre of town is a dead shopping mall, and you have to drive everywhere because its largely unwalkable.
That being said, I’m all aboard for building new towns, houses.
Isn’t that just a trendy jacket for a tardigrade
I prefer it when the gender doesn’t matter, and that the hero doesn’t need to prove anything to the audience. They’re just well-written and we’re invested in their motivations and the wider story around them.
A good example of this is the excellent She-Ra cartoon. I can’t think of many good examples beyond that sadly…
It looks like she’s not even holding the baby, she’s gripping onto his arm for dear life as the baby creeps up behind them
Law 3: any robot that accidentally kills a human, must make amends by putting together a really nice funeral service.
Well they dropped the ‘a’ from the Apt-erodactyl because their daily performance felt phoned in.
This is it! Good find, thank you!
I have a plushtoy and some coasters my first ex made. I dont really miss her (she was mean), but it was real good stitch quality.
I have the habit of cleaning the place on a Saturday morning from my last ex. Not really a gift, more of a curse, but her I miss.
I guess related to the MPV post. From what I understand
essentially tells a window manager what colorspace its outputting (via dbus?) so that the window manager can make realtime color corrections.Trying to think of a use case… maybe if you have a really red video scene, your window manager can normalise that so you can see the different shades of red better. Am I even close?