What are the most privacy respecting smartphones to buy, I am also looking for the one which respects your privacy the most. So far going to privacy communities esp on reddit, I often see Google Pixel + GrapheneOS being recommended.

But the thing is I don’t really trust Google with privacy, as we have seen they are last one to respect privacy. What if Google has some backdoor in the hardware that cannot be changed? And the problem with the more privacy respecting OSes for mobiles like GrapheneOS, CalyxOS etc are that they are only supported for Google pixel phones.

So I am really confused here.

  • @Lunacy@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Google Pixels have no backdoors. Recently, Maxime Rossi Bellom , Philippe Teuwen and Damiano Melotti did a deep research about the Google’s Chip, called TITAN M, in order to give an understanding regard it’s attack surface as well as the known and previously vulnerabilities.

    Presentation Material

    There is also a repository on GitHub, which contains the tools they used in their research on the Google Titan M chip.

    There is also a very interesting thread from Daniel Cuthbert, in which he showed some part about their presention. In the same thread, he also wrote that the Titan M is the reason why he switch from iPhone to Pixel.

    We’re are talking about BlackHat here, not some random guy which claims things without any proof.

    Regard the OS, GrapheneOS is far better than CalyxOS; it offers much better privacy and security improvements. You can see the list of the features here; https://grapheneos.org/features