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Red guy and Blue guy sitting at an empty lemonade stand.

Red guy: “maybe we should have a sale?”

Blue guy: “But we can’t go any cheaper!” while pointing to the “$1” price tag on the sign above him.

Red guy, while writing on a board, looks confused and replies: “cheaper?”

Final panel: The lemonade stand is rushed by hundreds of customers throwing cash and scrambling for lemonade, a fire breaks out, it’s chaos. In the foreground the sign Red was writing reads: “WAS $25, NOW ONLY $1”

by (source)

    7 months ago

    Oh, there was so much of this bullshit by amazon in particular that it’s disgusting.

    Shit I had sitting in a list that I know exactly what the prices are suddenly went up about two months ago, and went back to the price they were when I put them in the list as the “sale” price.

    I’m not saying everything was done that way, but there was a shit ton of it happening.

    Happened on other sites as well, but it’s more obvious on amazon because of lists and how they help memory