I’m a simple cyclist. I see critical mass, I press like.
Is this critical mass?
It is
Sick what city? We just participated in Dallas
Nice! This was Chicago
What is critical mass?
What’s going on here?
Critical mass in Chicago
Oh, I was confused. I thought critical mass meant like enough people. Are riding bikes regularly to influence traffic policy.
Wish that would happen where I live.
You’d be surprised how many small cities have a CM or similar. If there isn’t one yet, start one! Organize and get active
Indeed! 🚲💪
Oh by the way, do you have any laws for CM in US?
I just know that in Germany groups of 16+ cyclists are allowed to stay together - even while crossing a red light. Bigger CM may even be registered demonstrations with police protection sometimes.
lol. I know nothing. 😂 Part of the local US law here is, because it not an “organized” event and just seems to happen, it is not subject to extra scrutiny or something. But again have no real idea
I miss the critical mass so much. Used to go twice a month on Buenos Aires years ago, but moved countries and had to stop. Living in São Paulo the critical mass here is a shame. Stopped going after the second month in a row where nobody but me showed up.
Yeah that can be rough. I’ve been to some small town ones with less than a dozen people. You just gotta keep at it though; be that body and positive influence
Now this is the kind of car fucking I can get behind.