“Farscape features a diverse ensemble of characters who are initially escaping from corrupt authorities in the form of a militaristic organization called the Peacekeepers. The protagonists live inside a large bio-mechanical ship called Moya which is a living entity.”
This is one of my favorite shows ever, but every person I’ve recommended this show to has had a weird reaction to it and only made it through a handful of episodes.
People have a hard time with the fact that there are essentially muppets as main characters. The first season is also slightly janky. The production quality really picks up in the later seasons.
I think you need an open mind to appreciate this show. It’s very cleverly written, and very rewarding. But it is VERY quirky and even cringey at times.
When it originally aired, I was always intrigued by the episodes I caught. Got around to watching it in full a few years ago and it was so satisfying.
The long story arcs and dramatic elements are really well done in the show and I love a lot of the characters. I also enjoy campy media and am nostalgic for good puppet work in live action.
The story arcs are some of the best I’ve ever seen. I don’t really think any other sci-fi shows stands up to Farscape’s drama. There’s something incredibly unique about this show.
Not available in my country
Sorry, just saw this. Not sure which country you’re in, does this work? https://archive.org/details/farscape-s-01/Farscape+S01E01+Premiere.mkv
It does, thank you