I saw a post that talked about racism towards people and when I talked about it the response I got was very heated and a person even called lemmy.world a community of ‘hitlerites’
I have been around for a week or so and this is my first time seeing such explicit vulgar reaction towards another community, is this a one-off or should I block hexbear?
every time
It truly is every fucking time. I couldn’t not call that shit out.
Edit: Lmao they got themelves banned
Doing God’s work
Thanks comrade
Would be cool if we had a transphobiacountbot.
Or like a bigotrycountbot or reactionarycountbot or whatever you wanna call it.
A bot like the nwordcountbot but for all the things, and it just goes thru a users modlog and checks if they have had any action for any of the things. Would be fun.
It would be useful if someone had a bot on Lemmy.ml that could check users for ban reasons of transphobia very quickly
Would truly be an nwordcountbot for our times.
I think if you make it on Lemmy.ml you’d have the most access to all modlogs on the Fediverse
Wish I could. I don’t know programming sadly, but hopefully I can wish this into existence like the whataboutisminator. Forever salute to the brave troop who made it.
I’d like to learn programming, but I don’t have the time these days.
Hell yeah Tankie Triad sounds badass.
Hexbear, lemmygrad and (in great part) lemmy.ml are tankie instances.
They basically deny any crimes of Stalin, Mao etc…
That’s obviously not true, we’re all ready to admit Stalin made the grievous error of stopping at Berlin.
I’ll take the bold stance that the sparrow eradication campaign was a big miss from Mao.
I mean, as long as we’re talking genuine criticisms, there’s a pretty long list. Mao wasn’t personally responsible for everything that happened in the Cultural Revolution but it was a huge mess, there may have been some good intentions at its core but the old 70% correct 30% mistakes addage is well known for a reason. I’m probably less critical of Stalin than Mao but Stalin relocated ethnic groups, trusted FDR and Churchill way too much, and did a pretty bad job of figuring out succession (as unexpected as his death was).
The sparrows deserved it
Lysenko was kinda a L too.
But “crimes”? As if.
They basically deny any crimes of Stalin, Mao etc…
Problem with that line is that you’d have to actually do crimes to deny they exist
Stalin robbed a bank which is a crime and pretty dope
Allegedly robbed a bank. I concider Montefiore an authoritative source on Stalin’s life in the same manner that I concider Orwell an expert on the history of the Russian Revolution.
Even in their propaganda, they can’t help but reveal their rules perverty-based worldview by calling what they think these people did crimes. Like, you think that the people leading these national liberation movements were net worse than hitler, and the word you use to condemn them are “crimes”?. We’re witnessing an actual genocide in real time and words fail to convey the horror, but people of conscience use words like monstrosity, butchery. But to just lazily brand your ostensible worst ideological enemies with “they were outside the law” is like…you don’t even fucking care. Don’t pretent to give a shit about Mao’s ten quadrillion iron furnace casualties when the most emotion you can summon for them is apparently “he broke the rules.” Fuck off dorkass, nobody believes in rules anymore, least of all you.
I hate liberals so much
I pray we’ve all been practicing our triad tessellation exercises?
New tagline?
You heard it here folks
We’re the reason the Left can’t get it’s shit together
Few people know it but the Sino-Soviet split was caused by an early puchcard-based version of Hexbear.
If only gorbachev hadn’t posted so hard.
Oh yeah
Back when we were ENIACchat
Hexbear is officially the nexus of all leftist infighting, many people are saying this.
Hexbear is Loki, God of mischief and trickery
The scrolls (the NYT) said so
Hexbear caused dengist reforms, personally assassinated mao, and dissolved the Soviet union
Yeah, that was my bad
It’s why I was cursed by that witch to become a real boy
“as a black man” energy
>be anarcho-Stalinist
>get called the reason why the left can’t unify
constantly infighting, but largest leftist instance in lemmyverse by far lol
Mao is standing outside my apartment yelling at me to log out but I will never log out
Grass sets off my sensory issues like a motherfucker so it can touch itself
“touch grass”
you activated my trap card
I’m literally neurodivergent and a minorI love it but I need the card or the clip of yugi activating his trap card. Also kaiba getting mindblasted.
Edit: thought you were responding to my emoji post
We do need those too!
Everyone keeps asking what is hexbear but nobody asks how is hexbear!
There’s someone asking why is Hexbear, lmao
For those asking who is hexbear,
is right here
I’m doing probably the best I ever have. For the first time in my life (and I’m not young
) I have a partner who loves me as much as I love them (previous relationships were full of doubts, suspicions, accusations, and general ambivalence from partners) and I’m filled with a previously unthinkable amount of warmth and joy. The society I live in is absolutely depraved and must be destroyed but I finally have a space in my life where I can get a little reprieve and recuperate.
Thats really swell! I hope the other parts of your life move towards matching the positive vibes of your relationship!
That’s fantastic, comrade. Very happy for you!
Yeah, how are the servers? Are they touching grass? As they hydrated? Who’s in charge of giving head scritches to the Hexbear servers??? Who’s tenderly kissing the servers’ foreheads???
I’ll ask the wolves in chernobylat how the servers are doing and get back to you
Yeah, how are the servers? Are they touching grass? As they hydrated? Who’s in charge of giving head
scritches to the Hexbear servers???
Okay saved by an unfortunate line break in my browser. But be careful, citizen.
how is hexbear
It was tough, but we managed to pull it off
I’m doing alright
How about you?
Eh could be better, the work week’s been a mix of nature stomping my ass and corporate “efficiency” fuckery absolutely destroying its throughput and turning every work assignment into a quagmire.
So basically same shit new year.
One dared to ask why, which is a step in the right direction
Find your local admin and send them pbb pics
I love this image. Something that always confused me is that they are communist, but support russia? An extremely far right government?
George Bush you will burn in hell for no child left behind
When have we ever supported modern Russia lmao
You see, if you don’t support Z man’s regime, you are against wholesome Ukraine and you support ebil dictator Putler.
I guess not supporting Ukraine is supporting Russia
You know, because every situation is a dichotomy
Every conflict has a good and bad side. Two bad people can never fight!
That’s what dialectics is!
Hey but we look at the images of Ukrainian Nazis wearing every hate symbol under the sun and the sun itself, when a truly enlightened democracy enjoyer should do the right thing in that situation and simply cover their eyes and ears.
When you voted for Trump by not voting for Harris, obvs.
It’s a very critical kind of support to the extent that Russia is part of BRICS and the broader move toward multipolarity, opposing US etc. Plus, and it’s sad the bar is this low, we don’t think Russians are genetically inferior beings like many westerners are propagandized to believe.
You asking questions like “why is there Nazis in the Ukrainian army?” And “okay where is this ghost of Kiev?” and “aren’t cluster munitions a war crime?” makes you Putin’s personal assistant
How could the US literacy rate be 79%? That can’t possibly be true!
Most literate lemmy.world thread:
to Cowbee always in the trenches
thanks comrade
ITT: All the classics.
wonder who trademarked the far left
It’s The Far Left among those who “are as left as they come,” so of course they feel the need to defend The Brand from the actual far left.
It’s the COINTELPRO party line. Farther left than you but also against supporting or helping anyone to the left of Liz Cheney.
No X or Y axis labeled, lmao.
Here you go, now it’s even stupider
Needs more CNN chyron with live stock updates
Well the X axis is piss, and I hope I need not spell out what the Y axis is…
So is the far left absorbing piss?
I tried to come up with a funny explanation but I deleted it because trying to establish something that even resembled internal coherence (a) wasn’t funny and (b) wasn’t possible.
Going against consensus on a .world thread is a tricky thing if you want to actually be heard by anyone and not immediately shut out.
Yeah, I realized that I don’t have the temperament for it so I just save myself the frustration and hang out in the peanut gallery.
Occasionally I manage to change someone’s perspective and that generally makes it worth it, though I’m overdue for a break from the trenches.
Getting out there and evangelizing is how we grow the movement; I just need to get back in the habit of meditating before I try.
The most success comes from the radicalized fringes of liberals. That’s why I tend to stick more to Lemmy.ml when I try to lead libs to theory, anticommunists aren’t going to be convinced anytime soon anyways
Funny that the center is closer to the far right than the far left. Makes you wonder.
why do we have a bucciarati looking suspicious emoji I love this website
Because @WhyEssEff@hexbear.net is just the right mix of chaos and genius.
I would love to hear them explain what the fuck they think the Far Left™ looks like exactly
Kamala Harris
The Assassin’s Creed Liberal Marx
Why is Far Left the only one that’s trademarked?
Using power to protect yourself is inherently right wing, you see. You can only be left wing by being nice to everyone, never alienating nazis, and dying meekly and obligingly when capital decides its time to bulldoze over you, so that decades later the liberals who hoped for your demise can pretend to have agreed with you all along. Micheal Moore’s church cheering at the news of MLK’s murder
“tl;dr they are right wingers pretending to be left wing” 122 uplemmys
I love making stuff up. What is lemmy.world? Oh it’s a Jeffrey Epstein fan club pretending to be a reddit clone.
Your joke is only funny if you make something up tho
lmao gottem
tbh as an epstein fanclub they’re doing a pretty great impersonation of reddit
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml is one of our strongest warriors lol
you too!
Still amazed they haven’t banned you on world. Keep up the good work!
They banned me on Political Memes for asking why comments calling out the Democrat’s role in the Palestinian Genocide were getting removed for “misinformation.” So, technically, I have been banned from there.
my prediction that biden would spend the rest of his lame duck continuing to send unconditional aid and support to Israel was removed as “disinformation”. then im pretty sure the admin responsible posted a reply on his alt gloating about it with a tired Gotye meme.
You’re doing the lord’s work. If the dingus mentioning the jolodomor continues, then you might consider educating them about double holocaust theory, though that’s just my go to.
I rewrote that comment like 3 or 4 times, and I decided against it because I am sure It’d backfire, we’ll see what happens though.
Yeah one must pick their battles. You’re doing it expertly
Thank you!
That would be neoliberals lol. Constantly using bad information and unscientific analyses to show that immiserating 99% of the population is actually the best we can do.
Disregarding the fact that the tankies were right about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, Indonesia, Bolivia, Kuwait, Burma, [the list goes on]
But the tankies are definitively wrong, because I refuse to entertain the thought that they could be right!
Love how the one person who wrote out a long thoughtful comment detailing why people might have negative experiences with hexbear gets downvoted. Definitely the sign of them being rational and the like
Hexbear is more than a website. She is light itself.
a world historical idea
Suppose, if you will, a spectre
deleted by creator
Happy birthday to this future revolutionary:
TLDR: they are right-wingers pretending to be left wing
I would block hexbear. I’ve done it server-wide. They are mostly very loud trolls pretending to be communists. Some could be actual communists, but I don’t buy anyone actually wanting to be in such a toxic environment and believe what they claim to believe.
To add to your comment: Blocking the instance at user level is pointless, it only blocks their posts,not their users, so you still have to deal with their bullshit and they post their propaganda at every instance that tolerates them so it makes its way to those who blocked it anyway. The only solution is to defederate.
What propaganda? bear propaganda?
Ask any of em why they think any right winger would pretend to be left wing and you’ll see fantastic displays of mental gymnastics.
To these people: Left-Wing = Democrat/Vote Blue No Matter Who. Right-Wing = Republican. They don’t even know what is the difference between a social democrat and a socialist, they just think we are republican trolls pretending to be democrats trying to mess up and scare people from voting democrat or whatever.
Why a group of supposed right-wingers would largely stick to themselves and intentionally defederate from liberal instances if they wanted to convince people not to vote will always be a mystery.
Obviously because that’s what daddy Putin ordered them to do, to destroy America (and that’s bad for some reason)
“It’s publicity when we do it, and propaganda when the bad countries do it” — Americans thinking they’re in on the con
Propaganda is whatever the State Department doesn’t want to admit for another few years. Also, lol @:
Some could be actual communists, but I don’t buy anyone actually wanting to be in such a toxic environment and believe what they claim to believe.
Swaggers into bar, talks a bunch of shit, gets decked by everybody: “What kind of dipshit would sincerely want to hang out in there? It’s full of fists!”
Some of them also said we are the communist version of 4chan
These types of threads will always have someone point out that Hexbear is born from r/CTH, which was banned for “extremism”.
They don’t go into detail what the extremism was.
Yeah, John Brown?
I don’t know if you heard, but uuuuh he didn’t do anything wrong.
I read through it and sadly nobody made the “History of Hexbear” comment. .World continues to decline.
I always thought it was them picking a sub to ban with all the insane right wing ones so they looked fair and balanced
What was the extremism (genuine question)? I vaguely get the sense it was saying a cop should die or something but I am ignorant to how r/CTH was banned and hexbear was formed.
“Inciting violence” with such phrases as “John Brown did nothing wrong, slave owners deserved to get killed” as the primary example but also “bash the fash” didn’t help. Also ‘glorifying’ violence like laughing at Richard Spencer getting a right hook in the temple (which is a ridiculous notion, you can’t glorify something that was already glorious, it’s like saying someone is “illuminating the sun”)
I wasn’t there, but the widespread belief is that it was banned for a large influx of support for John Brown and saying Slave Owners deserved to get shot, which is just extremely correct.
∞ 🏳️⚧️Edie [it/its, she/her, fae/faer, love/loves, ze/hir, des/pair, none/use name, undecided]@hexbear.netEnglish37·2 months agoYour username reads like someone making fun of trans people. My guess is you’re transphobic and actively discouraged people from supporting Biden because you wanted Trump to win.
This is why I don’t go out on Lemmy all that often.
Edit: from the same user
If you think Hexbear is trans-friendly, then you’re transphobic.
Doing transphobia to own the tankies
Actively discrediting trans people and practicing transphobia to own the leftists! Disgusting behavior on their part, sorry you had to go through that.
Oh, I recognize that user, they blocked me for asking why they thought Lenin wasn’t a Marxist. Permanently awful takes.
I can’t help but wonder if tankies are the political equivalent of flat-earthers. I should probably ask that on NSQ some time, when I can figure out a way of asking that won’t get me banned.
it’s the other way around. ‘we live in a democracy because i can drive across state borders and buy things’ is equivalent to saying the Earth is flat because you can see the city over the horizon.
No we are a democracy because we vote and they aren’t because they vote, but in a different way.
What makes our voting the right kind of voting? Well we are a democracy and that’s the way democracies vote, which means it’s the right kind of voting. They aren’t because they don’t vote like that.
Also they imprison people for their political opinions, we don’t. We imprison people for rioting and protesting in the wrong way and suing oil companies on behalf of indigenous tribes.