Take it to a guitar shop, they can fix your pickups.
TIL: They made the SG headstock out of multiple Les Pauls
My sg, though seemingly smaller than my les Paul, is indeed made from the purified and compressed mass of a thousand suns.
The Gibson Thunderbird would like a word.
I skip the gym on days where I stand and play one for an hour or more.
Almost threw my dean across the room the first time I picked it up after playing a Les Paul.
It’s like walking off the end of a moving walkway.
It’s funny, because my first “real” bass was a cheap Dean Flying V and I swear to god that thing weighed 50 pounds. So I’ve always associated Deans with being made of lead.
Neat! My Dean is a Korean mid 2000s ML. It’s far from heavy but I never noticed the weight until I picked it up seconds after putting a Les Paul down.
Maybe they were using lighter woods, a hollower body or maybe basses are just better weapons ;D
Its like a norse hammer!
And my Axe!
If I cant get to my gun during a home invasion, this is the next best thing