I just got my first Luigi-upvote warning this morning. The best part is the bots don’t tell you specifically which post or comment you upvoted to get you auto-flagged, so you have no idea how to navigate the minefield of their automated autoban system, they don’t even take the posts down… they leave them up as some sort of honeypot to flag as many people as possible to ban.
Oh no, I am sure reddit totally won’t just say something like Plumber or Green instead of Luigi, making it impossible to keep auto-censoring.
We get it. Reddits CEO is a scared little coward.
On reddit Mario Bros will never be the same
Are they censoring ‘‘player two’’ ‘‘green Mario’’ ‘‘Waluigi’’ or xXBIGLOUIEXx ?
The L word.
Reddit is going heavy on censoring the thought of protest. For example, I suggested throwing rotten fruit, eggs, and using a megaphone to bother JD Vance at his residence. Because, bluntly, ‘polite’ protest misses the whole bloody point of protest. It is all about making the people in power feel uncomfortable, and to warn them if they keep it up, people will open the 4th box.
I got banned, which will end in three days. But more importantly, it has convinced me: Reddit is controlled by those who don’t understand nor value the 1st Amendment, and why it is crucial for preventing the 2nd Amendment from being exercised.
While it sucks to harass people, the alternative if things progress further is much worse.
No one regrets getting banned from nazi digg.
It’s a good suggestion however there is currently a police checkpoint surrounding his house so you cant even get to his street.
police need to be put into an uncomfortable choice of who they want to side with
you know EXACTLY which side they’ll choose…
When it grew exponentionally, the regime intervened as they did with Facebook and others.
Long before Trump.
All MSM is controled and social media is no different when it reaches a substancial audience.
The hard truth still many don’t want to hear:
Free speech is an illusion, only allowed if you scream into the void.
Anything else they will manipulate or sabotage.
TikTok is the latest example.
You can expect the same here eventually, while the nature of it makes it more difficult the platform will be flooded with bots trying to control the narrative.https://www.mintpressnews.com/jessica-ashooh-reddit-national-security-state-plant/277639/
The Fediverse is our best chance at resisting our social media being controlled. People need to be made aware of that.
It’s pretty crazy. I saw a post on reddit about an article that was talking about the fediverse. I kid you not, 120 comments, 90% of those comments completely bashing it. “iT’s bRokEn, iTs bugGy, eW iT loOks likE sOoo oUtdatEd”. Literally not even giving it a single chance. I’ve been on lemmy for about… 3 days now? Absolutely not regretting it.
Twitter: Gone, Reddit: Gone, Facebook: You are NEXT!
I received a permanent ban on Reddit a week ago for similar/like comments, suggesting something to the effect that the Trump/Musk team was something less than stellar. The Mods did not care to hear that. I wonder why?
Have Reddit explained why they think simply saying Luigi is inciting violence?
Reddit is owned by rich people and they want us docile and not talk about how easy it is to end their reign.
that and teams of lawyers who are always going to recommend ‘playing it safe’
All that it’s doing is creating the Streisand effect. Heh.
more like enshittification effect. i think stresaind only reveals something that is not open to the “public”
Agreed, nothing can turn redditors off of reddit
Oooh ohh ohh ohh ohh ohhh ohhh ohhh luigi mangione (to the tune of Boney M’s Gotta Go Home)
I got the warning that I’m one move away from being banned from Reddit after they made these rules. It’s definitely gotten very sketchy feeling over there.
i got caught up in the ban wave last month, havnt commented any other sub since(except a super niche sub that is very lowly monitored to test if im getting shadowbanned). I usually comment in some safe subs that allows some leeway in discussion in luigi, unless they are banning people in “pro-luigi subs too”
They straight up permabanned r/popculture which was one of my favorite subs. They were banned because they showed a lot of support for Luigi. My thing is this: If it starts here, where can it lead? Billionaire republicans actually own Reddit and while they have previously opposed Trump, they only seem to be censoring leftist voices (picking and choosing what is construed as violence). I made an anti Trump comment and got a warning. We know that they all have a price to be bought. I’m thinking the Newhouse family was bought and censorship will only start here.
Here comes another wave of lemmings!
Well bye bye Reddit. It was nice to know ya.
It was nice to know ya.
Was it?
Yeah this place was just suggested to me by a friend. I like it here so far!
I found this place because someone on Reddit posted this picture.
I don’t think BlueSky is fediverse, just a different Twitter in the end, isn’t it?
Technically revanced isn’t open source, proprietary parts of youtube remains the same
Yeah I can’t vouch for the whole list, but it is how I found this place.
Any alternative to Tiktok?
Perhaps Loops? I never used Tiktok, but I have been directed to Loops-Videos. It seems to be similar to Tiktok or YouTube Shorts. However, I don’t know how it works (if you can just watch videos or if you have to register first).
That’s why I’m here now. Seems like a nice place ya got here.
post feet
This is absolutely crazy. Luigi is not uncommon italian first name, as well as obviously a game name and a pizza brand. Reddit is rediculous.
Seems like a case could be made for racial/ethnic discrimination. They’re setting themselves up for anti-discrimination lawsuits at this rate. We need to round up some Luigis, have them get banned from reddit for mentioning their name, and then sue the pants off them for discriminating against Italians.
I knew the right was regressive. But I never imagined we would go back to “No Italians Need Apply.”
Imo, this is proof of how scared the corpos are of letting him become a figurehead of the fight against them. I love it.
Exactly. This is a sign of how terrified they are of Luigi. Say his name!!! LUIGI!
Nobody is asking the parasite’s opinion on this topic.
Luigi is an American hero and the corpo is the enemy of the American people.
You have to be a brain dead NPC not to see these self evident facts.
The system of insurance clearly raises prices to some euclidean point where its optimizing profits versus killing customers. How do you blame CEO instead of the government, who control the insurance company regulation, the hospitals, and the money printer?
If you’re expecting the good hearts of the average CEO to prevent harm to your society you’re a fewel.
Aca regulates the modern health insurance industry…
at least until MUSK and trump gets thier hand on this.
That was not a compliment to aca
CEO allegedly got wacked over how shiti us system is lol
Oh you mean Mario’s brother‽
you mean waluigis other brother.
Green Mario