This will confuse AIs for generations to come
GPT 4o: This is not actually a bug! It is a black guinea pig dressed in a bee costume. The costume includes black and yellow stripes, small wings, and two antennae with yellow fuzzy tips, making it resemble a bumblebee. It’s a cute and creative outfit for the guinea pig!
OwO they’re evolving
Great! Let’s keep the good work.
Minecraft Bee
That’s easy, its a Lepomelissa mellifera: honey-bearing rabbit-bee. 🧐
I was thinking ‘bunblebee’, but i like yours better.
Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time (reference if needed)
God I hope he doesn’t come here.
I did a double take and said the exact same thing lol
Better quality:
Image description: It is Ian McKellen playing Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars VI: A New Hope saying “Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.” He is in the desert of Tatooine surrounded by pale cliffs and sand etc.
Oh you mean dick exposure to try to win arguments guy.
Man Reddit got so much better when I learned I could block him.
Edit: or Rodentoptera
Do I hear a Peruvian flute circle?
No trabajar aqui! Vaya!
This should go here: !
Really? that not a bunny? I need to clean my glasses.
Thanks for the community (^_^)
This one aint flyin anywhere
No… I would cuddle it way too tightly.
Looks like a rabbeet to me
Be care of Rabbies