This seems to be
- a random selection of countries rather than the top ranking ones and also
- the numbers seem to be pretty low compared to other sources.
At least as per Wikipedia, Mexico has around 19%, Brazil /China/Taiwan 14% etc. I live in Germany and here vegetarians are typically estimated at around 10% which corresponds to the number in Wikipedia but it’s not even listed in the graphic above.
That Wikipedia page is odd: in the table of shows Mexico as 19%, and in the Mexican section (below the table) it has 8%, and groups Mexico with Central America.
As a Mexican, even 8% feels high! It is damn hard to find meat free food in most restaurants.
If you know a more reliable source for Mexico, it would be great if you could correct that incorrect article. I just stumbled across Germany not being listed in the original post as I know from several sources that there are +/- 10% vegetarians here.
I’m afraid I don’t have a reliable source of information other than what I can see on the street. Anecdotally it is hard to find pescatarian or vegetarian dishes in many restaurants. If nearly 20% of the population was vegetarian, this wouldn’t be the case.
As a fellow Mexican, 19% is too damn high, even for a vegetarian diet. That would mean that each family has at least one vegetarian/vegan member, which might be true only if we count families in the widest sense possible, in big cities. Then again, 19% is far from reality.
EDIT: Yeah, it’s a weird table indeed. 12% of Argentinian people are vegan? Well, says the UVA, a vegan organization, based on an unpublished study paid by them. In the case of Mexico, says Nielsen, based on a study of 30,000 internet users from 63 countries in 2016, which explains the skewed results but not the ample difference between Mexico and the average of the region. Also, seems like the most convenient result for vegans, not the most up-to-date.
Indian food is so tasty too. You don’t even need that meat flavor
It sure does help though.
I think it depends. Veggie samosas are better than the meat ones. Also if you’re not vegan, paneer is a satisfying replacement.
Paneer is great
I also opt for pakora a lot
Honestly surprised the US is in the top 3 LMFAO
I suspect this is not a list of all countries with the USA number 3. It looks like a list of the countries with people who responded.
I’m curious about the survey selection process.
A lot of people, but also a very large melting pot of cultures. Look at India in the graph, probably going to be similar for all the Indians in the US, now do that with other cultures that prioritize non-meat foods as well and it adds up quickly, even with so many people overall and so much of American specific culture focusing on things like hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, etc.
It also seems to be that this is based on self-reported info, so personal definitions of vegetarian and vegan, or even “meat” may be statistically relevant. Some will include seafood, others won’t, so cultures with high concentrations of seafood in their usual diet may be categorized differently than assumed.
Another rare W for the US, Oregon is the most vegan state.
really! that’s great to hear :)
Half my meals are meat-free. To balance things out I skip vegetables the other half.