Most successful assassin in modern history, maybe all of history?
He killed Abe for his UC ties, and a short few years later, no more Japanese UC.
Has any other politically motivated assassination so directly, and spectacularly, achieved it’s aims?
Fucking finally holy shit! Fuck the Moonies, fuck the LDP, and especially fuck Abe-san for being such a fascist. May his spirit wander Tokyo restlessly forever
Wait what? Japan’s prime minister was assassinated? Why am I only hearing about this now?
Imagine assassinating a head of state and the government listens to your grievances and addresses the problems that led to the assassination.
…must be nice
As someone who, for the last decade, has worked for Japanese companies - and by extension, many Japanese people - this sounds very Japanese.
I would love to see Hillsong get disbanded under the same circumstances in Australia.
dude what
The politicians represent you in a representative democracy, the whole point of their office is to be open to persuasion. I would be looking at that group’s effective network building and asking where are the groups representing my concerns/aspirations with such effectiveness
I hope all aussies don’t share your mindset, otherwise it’s a lost country
Because 1) he was no longer PM when it happened, but more importantly, 2) powerful people don’t want you getting the idea that political violence can be righteous
I know that Abe was PM since always, but he’s dead for almost three years now
It was several years ago
Yeah I saw that, hence my reaction 😂