I figured it’d be the vast majority, not a paltry 60%.
The other 40 had to disagree with the majority out of a knee jerk reflex.
It’s complicated for many, I cut off most of my US multimedia and product consumption a few months ago. I understand one of the major problems faced is that Mc Donalds do use French agricultural products and have French workers, same thing with coca-cola that is made and bottled in France. And it is hard to hear that there will be a temporary period during which their European equivalents will take over the jobs and products of those American brands then things will settle.
Over here, on public and private radios alike, the powers that be don’t want it to happen yet because logistics, transfer of licences, purchases on the agricultural products etc hasn’t taken place yet, so buying american but made in France is encouraged through appealing to the consumers morals (who want’s to put factory workers out of their jobs? No one!), but I think what I’ve previously stated in this post will sooner or later become evident to the remaining consumers of US products.
Thanks for your extremely thoughtful and interesting reply to my rather silly comment.
I regret I have only one upvote to give.
I upvoted your previous comment because it is close to everyday France: a cauldron of contestation of anything and everything.
That’s the French way.
60:40 means 50% more people in support than against it.
I feel like so many people were already fed up with the us for a long time, but because everyone is now being offended at the same time and everyone is reacting simultaneously, it is now much more visible.
Not really: until now it was mostly done as a joke, sometimes the far-right/ far-left were a bit more serious about their loathing. Now it’s way more diffused throughout the society and it’s humourless. Dead serious.
The tone hardened for sure, and it definitely wasn’t as serious as it is now or as diffused throughout society as it is now; but I’m convinced there has been a lot of dislike for American culture (ok, mainly fastfood) and disagreement of American geopolitics / warmongering for a long time now. Even if it was said jokingly, there was a truth beneath that. I don’t believe anti-america movement just came into being in just a few months or years.
Don’t forget America’s role in the spread of capitalist extremism among employers and politicians. I think that has impacted people’s lives a lot more than American culture even though the latter played a role in the propaganda arm of that operation of course.
i’m from the us and i’m boycotting us goods i want to get out of this fucking country so badly
Out of curiosity, what is stopping you?
I’m not who you replied to, but leaving is not easy. Moving costs money and puts you far away from friends and family. You also need to be able to stay in the country long enough to be able to apply for citizenship and that’s not easy either. Also if you’re a minority going through TSA is scary because who knows if they are going to pull you aside and assault you or worse. I’m trans and I’ve thought of leaving but TSA scares me.
Drive into Canada or Mexico and fly out from there.
I actually live very close to the Canadian border so I’m considering it.
anxiety, fear, existential doubt, money, and mental health :^
*am trans and queer too but thankfully i have a passport and license but still terrified
USA here. Fucking do it. Make us suffer. It seems to be the only way we fucking learn.
US will need some January 6 shit before they change i’m afraid
I know and Trump company will not hesitate to turn the military on us.
We’re gonna do the stupid “freedom fries” thing again, aren’t we?
For some, probably. For the rest of us it’ll just be another indicator to quickly learn what kind of creature you’re talking to.
On one hand, it’s really nice having so many highly apparent litmus tests for “is the person I’m talking to a fucking psycho”.
On the other hand, there’s evidently an absolute shitload of fucking psychos around.
What is the stupid “freedom fries” thing and how does it compare to the current situation?
What I know of “freedom fries” seemed to me an inconsequential little bit of cosmetic chauvinism, while the current status of things is that the US have decided to strongly oppose Europe in both economic and geopolitical terms.
I was simply making commentary on how that was an early example of the nationalist “FUCK YOU! ‘MURRICUH!!!” vibe that’s now been turned up to 11 🫠
Ah, the good old days.
I’m nostalgic for when the worst thing right-wing reactionaries did was rename french fries something stupid.
This is the dumbest timeline.
Canada, Europe, China, and Latin America should all collectively boycott the US, see how long they can keep that attitude up
I wish there was a way for them to focus their hatred to trump and his gang of criminals rather than to all U.S. citizens, but like the red hatted dip shits say - “it is what it is”.
The majority of U.S. citizens allowed Trump to happen. 1/3 voted for him, 1/3 didn’t give a shit enough to get off their ass and vote.
Trump IS America.
6 of 10 is rookie numbers.
Uh-oh, Freedom Fries exports gonna suffer.