Spectacular answers
Look, I’m optimistic about the new season until proven wrong, but even I wince at that kind of hollow hyperbole. The episode previews have been promising enough that I’ll be happy if the season arc is cohesive and sticks the landing.
Unfortunately, I also know that it’s when RTD aims for “spectacular” he tends to lose sight of the basics.
Implying RTD knows what the basics are… (i kid i kid)
No lies detected.
If it hadn’t been for the “Mrs Flood will be in every episode” bit, I may not have shared it at all.
I do admire RTD’s dedication to hype, though.
It’s weird because they spent a season playing with Ruby’s mom, Susan, Sutekh trying to tell us that important character identity twists are bad, and now here’s a new important character that’ll have a big identity twist? Really?
I don’t know if the message was that identity twists are “bad,” so much as a bit of a deconstruction of what “importance” is.
And in all fairness, the Mrs. Flood mystery was very present even at that time.
In hindsight, not “bad” I suppose, but when they had the big Ruby reveal, they were definitely making fun of everyone who was freaking out just like Sutekh in interviews and everything.