I’ve been a hard Euroskeptic since my national conservative days - which I still am even as a communist.

I’ve found new reasons to dislike the European Union moving to the left so as to how the Western left supports them is baffling imo.

  • sludgeyrevolution@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Only kinda related but it’s weird that marxists let the libertarians take over the 9/11 truth movement. I heard that communists used to be apart of it very early on.

    • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Yep, Western Left lets fascists have every juicy story because they are brainwashed to only argue for leftism via capitalist-approved factoids and narratives. Their will is weak and they let their enemies say whatever and they take it to heart. You could shoot a Western leftist’s parent in the face in front of them and gaslight them into saying it never happened and worshipping you within a week.

      • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Nah fam, false flag attacks are a well-documented tool used by the US to get whatever it wants. 9/11 conspiracy spaces may have their kooks but you will be missing out on a wealth of information if you discard all of it based on 1 kook.

          • Soselin@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            I don’t think Bush literally planned 9/11 but he and his people were extremely tight with the Saudis and Saudi intelligence, as well as with Pakistani intelligence especially at that time, and they used SI and PI to cultivate AQ since they wanted a useful enemy in the Middle East to justify their PNAC shit.

            So “did bush do 9/11” I think no, AQ did that, but Bush and the neocons did have a direct hand in establishing AQ as an anti-US force since they wanted the justification to do what they spent the past 20 years doing.

            Holographic planes and this sensationalist nonsense is to distract you from the less sensational but actually very real money trail. It’s easy to debunk holographic planes as not true and actually kind of insane and so US intelligence Astroturfs about holographic planes and everyone focuses on the holographic planes instead of the Carlyle Group.

            I don’t think Bush ever sat down and said “we need to get them to fly planes into the WTC”, but he absolutely did plan “we need to get these guys money and training in how to make bombs and plan large scale terrorist attacks against the US because it’s useful for me if they kill a bunch of Americans.”

            • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              I believe it goes further than that but I would see your comment as an acceptable middle ground that socialists everywhere should be able to agree on.

              Regardless of the details of 9/11, the American Empire had some degree of a purposeful hand in, at least, cultivating an environment where such a thing would happen, eager to exploit it for propaganda and fear, and it was used to justify a new age of war and surveillance. I would like to think that summary is something most of us would agree with?

        • Foresight@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          Sorry but faking a plane crash as a hologram using holographic millitary technology thing for an insurance claim i don’t consider that “truth”.

          • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            This is an example of kookery, I’ve never even heard of anything about holograms.

            Would I let the kookery of Holocaust Denialism lead me to dismiss the “conspiracy theory” that the Holodomor was nothing like we are taught in the West? Would I let the kookery of New Age LA-ism lead me to dismiss “conspiracy theories” about how eating excessively processed and sweetened foods is bad?

            You see what I’m saying?

        • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          The greatest thing for us socialists is that even the most professional psychopaths can’t seem to do a single wicked deed without either openly admitting it or Freudian slipping it.

            • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              I believe there are many who reject psychoanalysis yes. I’ve never even read Freud but I definitely think “Freudian slip” among other Freudian concepts is useful.

              I don’t like George Orwell but I still think Orwellian terms like crimestop, group think, Hate Hour, newspeak, doublethink, “we’ve always been at war with Eurasia” etc. are very useful.

    • Foresight@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Well in the early days we just followed Jason Unrhue (he was the first political news commentator who was a marxist) and we all parrotted what he said, he said America deserved 9/11 and that’s what we said. Looking back that’s obviously an incorrect position.

  • lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I know it’s counter Intuitive but bear with me.

    In itself the notion of euro-“skepticism” cannot be rooted in class struggle. To be skeptical you have to believe there is something supposedly useful about it : conservatives are skeptical because they are on the side of the bourgeoisie that created the EU, but now they have doubts about whether or not this structure is appropriate for their bourgeois goals.

    If you are Marxist there is no skepticism to have. You just know the EU is a bourgeois free market structure. If you are anti-imperialist then you are for the overthrow of the current EU system to replace it with a proletarian EU. If not possible then you want to see it lose its power because you want the third world free from this bullshit monetary policy and threat of aggression.

    This is why Brexit was a disaster economically, the wing of the bourgeoisie that grew skeptical of the usefulness of the EU for their own goals thought they could do without, and they were wrong. This is bourgeois infighting, where the liberal bourgeois were right this time. The EU is objectively the best thing to enforce the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

    I think this analysis allow us to understand why we seem to be on board with conservatives on a topic where they are factually incorrect. They are wrong about how to best maintain capitalist hegemony, liberals are right on this subject, but we Marxists are opposed to capitalist hegemony so we simply rejoice at their division and to see them going into the wrong direction

    • In itself the notion of euro-“skepticism” cannot be rooted in class struggle. To be skeptical you have to believe there is something supposedly useful about it : conservatives are now skeptical because they are on the side of the bourgeoisie that created the EU, but now they have doubts about whether or not this structure is appropriate for their bourgeois goals.

      Marxists are opposed to capitalist hegemony so we simply rejoice at their division and to see them going into the wrong direction

      So essentially Brexit is still bad either way?

  • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Arguably it’s not just euro scepticism, plenty of similar topics have been hijacked by the brownshirt plague. And if not outright fash, then at least some form of capitalist. See for example Putin’s criticism of USA and EU. He says plenty of correct things, but then pivots to something else. Or in the case of USA - criticism of pharma corporations seems to have been hijacked by anti-vaxxers.

    • Foresight@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Or liberals claiming to be socialist when they have no understanding or concept of economic planning

    • Foresight@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Or working class organisations being infiltrated by wokists and their identity politics poison

        • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I understand fearing this sort of rhetoric coming from someone who, for example, might have bigoted views. And we unfortunately do need a balance between making intersectional values clear and firm while not bogging down conversation with constant conditionals and asterisks and footnotes. But the fact remains that “woke” is the most unpopular word of 2022 for good reason. The colloquial definition does indeed refer to something that is a poison borne from capital as it evolves its tactics to the 21st century as often as it refers to intersectional movements.

          Surely there is an interpretation you can have of Foresight’s comment that leaves room for doubt that they are more than simply a reactionary. I think the comment is vague enough to question but not something that is necessarily bad. There is indeed something within what we call “woke” that is a co-opted socially engineered weapon of Western capital that will continue to fuel fascism and kneecap, ironically, not just socialism but social progressivism, if left unchallenged and untalked about.

          There’s a nuanced discussion to be had for sure.

        • relay@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I watched a bit of Infared and was hoping for something useful maybe, but his gay bashing, debate skills that made me think that he was parodying the confrontational pointlessness of internet debates online (mostly just puffing up his chest and screaming), also he seemed really interested in getting everyone that is Marxist to read Heidiger. I stopped caring after realizing that he was not parodying internet debate and really wanted everyone to subscribe to him and gain a large fanbase. I found it interesting that he supported China alot and worked with Chinese Nationalists. Later on I heard about him opposing starbucks unionising because they don’t look like his superficial image of that the working class looks like. He’s also insistent on being unreasonable and calling it “dialectical”. He has an hour long video on why nobody should need to define what they are saying. Contrary to Haz’s kind of logic, ethnic and sexual minorities are workers and have no material reason to oppose the greater goals of greater unionization. At best Infared is just engaging in cultural tailism to theoretically move them towards socialism. His advice for praxis is reading heidiger, winging about how “woke” everything is, and subscribing to him rather than do any actual praxis to advance the goals of socialism. Functionally, I can’t tell the difference between him and Nazis. He could be an FBI agent to confuse domestic americans about what socialism is. He could be on the side of the chinese nationalists to get funding to overthrow the cpc. I don’t think that they have a definable theoretical framework other than vibes of masculinity.