Change “random(0)” to “random(time(0))” so the videos are less easily removed by a bot. time(0) is the number of seconds from January 1, 1970 at midnight, so the random seed keeps changing. It’s still be black and white noise but not the same noise as anyone else.
This guy grains
Post them on /r/RedditNoiseEdit: Reddit admins are removing videos posted to /r/RedditNoise. Post them in long abandoned subs like /r/TrueVideos, /r/Videoz, /r/Videos2
crashing a corrupt server with noise (2 year old dupe stash!!)
This post is relevant to my interests.
LoL love it
I’m thinking, that example is just grayscale noise. Adding some noise to the color components as well should help increase file size even more? (Normally video is encoded with one brightness component with high quality, and two color components with lower quality).