Maybe not the prettiest, but a little cleaner than it was when it began. If I had it to do over, I might use a small 9.5" rack if such a thing existed. Originally I had the Netgear and patch cables in a Square-D circuit breaker box but it seemed unnecessary and a bit cramped with no air flow. I then added the Firewalla and moved the fiber over with all the other gear. I have room to expand but I don’t think there is anything else I will ever need to add to this location. I have another networking rack more centrally located in the house. There was also tons of coax here but I coiled it up and tucked it away in case it is ever needed again. I originally wired my house with 2 network drops and 2 coax drops to each wall outlet. This spot services 6 drops to my office, two lines to my main networking rack, and the main internet connection.

    11 months ago

    The fact that you’ve got things sanely separated, and the cable management is decent, I’d say you’re much better off than most who just shove their hardware into a forgotten corner only to wander back when the wifi goes down.

    Something is better than nothing. It’s not like it would make sense to get a rack for it. XP