Personally I think this is a valid motive
Because with public transportation now there is no itty bitty tiny excuse to drink and drive
And I think at the very least it’ll save a few lives
(I live in a town with either a lot of drunk drivers or idiots)
Me irl
All of the above for me! I live outside of Portland, Oregon and my favorite activity is to pregame on the train to save myself at least $15 at the music venue/Blazer game I’m heading to. Economical and safe!
This is really not inclusive. What about stoners like me? When I’m lit up like a Christmas tree, I too don’t want to drive. Just because it’s easier for me to get away with it since there are no good tests yet doesn’t mean I want to be running over little kids. Public transport is good for everyone!
When you’re lit up I don’t want you to drive either. Chill out on the train, enjoy yourself, have a good evening. Not too difficult on decent public transport.
Maybe we should push a milder version of this angle. Too tired? Partied too much? Don’t drive; chill out on the bus home.
EDIT: In my area, they are pushing a special cheap unlimited use night ticket . Just the thing if you want to try out different clubs/ venues
Hell yeah. This is totally me. But remember fellow alcoholics; if you’re gonna day drink and take transit make sure you don’t be obnoxious to anybody because you’re drunk. It makes us look bad.
I also want public transportation to take drinkers off the road. That goes with wanting a safe neighborhood.
I agree. Loved going out when I was in Japan to drink. Took the train for drinks and got back home safely with it!
My problem with drinking and public transporting is that when I drink I have to pee like every five minutes, so my 50-minute ride home on the regional rail is a nightmare. Usually I have to get off at an early stop, find somewhere to pee, and then walk home for two hours.
I recently moved to the city about six months back. It’s honestly both amazing and dangerous that there are 2 different pubs within 600 feet of my building
You bring up a good point
We’re a little bit the same.