Because the orange turd’s bible is the only version that fits that description.
It was designed that way.
The point was to send trump a bribe.
Because the orange turd’s bible is the only version that fits that description.
It was designed that way.
The point was to send trump a bribe.
If Mara-shitty-lo gets hit, you can bet your house that trump will be among the first to get FEMA aid. And probably at vastly overstated value.
are you sure there weren’t a couple of dogs with her?
cuz I think I saw that movie.
Musk is a moron. So.
I wouldn’t take that bet. Even if ordinarily you’d be right.
Some how i get the feeling they’re up to more than just swimming.
I think it’s their way of checking if we still love them.
lemme guess. when he steps on the balls.
1850’s. Definitely the 1850’s.
They’d go back further but they can’t count that far.
They’re the kind of people people should be.
Somebody should get that fly a medal of liberty
“With truth social, you don’t have to know your marks.”
-Truth Social marketing materials.
remember: Trump’s campaign is trying to link every woe americans face to immigration.
Because the GOP are racist fuckwads and that kind of messaging actually works with their base.
I hope they let the refugees out before beating on that pinata.
so is sharing your porn watching habits with your teenage son.
call them on their bullshit?
what could go right?
This guy is an evil fuck, who uses his religion to justify and convince himself he’s a hero.
He’s not. he’s just a jackass.
Edit: here’s a Louis Rossman rant on why you shouldn’t assume you’re a good person. Johnson is a perfect example of an evil fuck that has stopped checking. Johnson believes he’s a New Moses™️, appointed or sent by god to …“save” america. Therefore it’s totally acceptable to fuck over thousands of people. because he can spin it as “biden didn’t get your aid!” and maybe stay in power longer.
Also, he shares his porn viewing habbits with his son.
This is low key genius.
(For anyone wondering This is a theramin, and their active range/field/area can be quite large. So this would be perfect. They also have versions that are single antenna that might work better for cats.)
I was thinking homeward bound,