Gold star for you?
Gold star for you?
“shackled man is feckless, opinions at 11”
I downvote for terribad writing, but I seem to be alone in that.
Yes. Great Scott! We shall mount it externally with wood screws and call it MrDifFusion but it’s really just a cheap genny from Home Depot, Marty.
Love that analogy.
I do worry your ‘256 cars’ is a little low.
Source: I overlook some tracks near America, that currently carries lots of untariffed American stuff.
It’s neat how your rebuttal was to something entirely different from what you were responding to.
It’s not that your comment wasn’t valuable in and of itself. But strictly as a rebuttal to “people go overboard by calling people who make them sad a Nazi”, the idea that we should correctly call out actual blatant low-instance Nazi behaviour as Nazi behaviour isn’t a rebuttal so much as it is a speech. This is question-ducking like I haven’t seen outside of politics.
Dude is seriously running out of time to find it, too.
If our barely-more-democratic government and consolidated healthcare is a national security threat, then let me just say this, as a Canadian.
They fucking brainwashed 70 million+ people to actually vote for it
Best bloodless coup ever.
a lot could be reallocated back to American Indian groups and councils
Don’t stop there. Where my Clovis people at?
a self-coup is much more likely for the US
Of course. You’re seeing it now.
Neat. Dude hiding in caves and basements to stay alive has somehow been extorting and dealing.
Yeah, that seems to track. Or, maybe not at all.
Receipts or GTFO.
“I’m sorry about the slow pace of developing the mine for extraction, but we still need”
“So you see, oh smart and savvy business leader, we’re very close. Not long now”
What kind of interest do you get on deposit with yourself?
Just what’s on the slide.
I’ll hold my nose and vote Liberal if it means no Conservatives.
Every. Damned. Time.
The biggest thing the Reds offer is a blocking action against the blue.
The best thing we had, and we’ll look back on in the future, is when Mr Singh patiently and calmly leveraged a minority red government in support of slowly providing for regular people.
… and then he stopped doing it patiently or calmly and fell into a big pit of ego and special interest; but before that it was the most leverage he and his party had for improving regular people in a long time. I don’t expect the oranges to be in a similar position for years to come, unfortunately.
I don’t get why anyone views being a moderator like ownership.
Compare pet care.
… unity.
It’s funny that you’re intentionally removing a crucial part of the word in a complaint about a lack of … that word.
Some are
… poor spellers.
But also some people just can’t be arsed to stick their neck out when they’re barely keeping their own shit together amidst things that fucking DO also affect them, Tiffany, but they’re silently trying to keep food on tables and kids in whatever half-assed school curricula still exists in the hope that when the heroes with the heroic ability to not only barely cope but also strive and also rebel are done, that their grown kids will be as free of generational trauma and smart enough to survive in the world they all hope will emerge.
It’s not enough to be at every protest personally - gold star, you - but you take normal people whose personal covid tragedies still resonate on those long stretches of days when they’re again not going to hit their goal of only one falling-down collapse in a parking lot as coping escapes them in the heat of the moment triggered by a full cart of bargain food, a wailing child and a lost set of car keys, and then you berate them for not being good enough like you?
Is their own trauma - which you may know nothing about - automatically not good enough that they’re not doing enough for you? What kind of human rights crusader has no empathy?
So, free for two days and then free with subscription?
Seems like free food at a fancy resort: not free.