People are stupid and selfish. That’s human nature.
People are stupid and selfish. That’s human nature.
Millions of Americans are wrong. What’s your plan for that? Violence? Reeducation camps for shitbags? Conservatives are everywhere, and they’re all salivating to take advantage of the chaos created by the fall of Rome. If you think getting our collective dick stepped on is going to result in a better tomorrow, you need to pick up a history book.
I don’t doubt it, I just don’t think it’s a bad thing.
Genital mutilation is a practice that should be stopped everywhere.
Transgender children do not get gender-affirming surgery. 97% of gender affirming surgery is breast reduction performed on male children, and that’s extremely rare as it is.
So no, he’s not at all right about any of this.
Don’t waste mental energy looking for reason or competence. They did it because nobody can stop them, and they think they can gain money or power by doing it. That’s always the motivation, and it doesn’t make a difference to the response. We simply need to stop them.
I was on Facebook where I saw a short video with a text to voice narrator describing a story from a news article that was written about a Reddit AITA post. The audio played over a video of several clips of different ragebait 5 minute craft videos.
I had to light a candle.
This feels like a problem that primarily (exclusively?) affects gaming journalists. Gamers are happy with the console and the available games. The new games that have been teased are under development. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m happy to wait for new games to be fully baked rather than rush them to market to meet some arbitrary deadline. Does anyone not have a backlog to keep them entertained a while?
Yeah, romantic compatibility is a two way street. If they aren’t feeling it, you’re better off as friends. Trust me, you don’t want to be in a relationship where one person isn’t very attracted to the other. I’ve been on both sides of that coin, and it’s all shit.
Don’t pine for anyone. If you’re a match, you both make each other feel amazing being together.
Stow that shit. This is exactly what they need to be doing. They need to make the argument to the American people that they have better ideas and a better plan for America, and then create a voting record for Congress so they can beat them in the next election. Of course it won’t pass, but if they give up without even trying, then the Nazis can act like they are the only option.
I see that term used in the article, but that’s a really generic term to describe what Trump is doing. Is that really it? The article never explicitly finishes the thought of the title.
I clicked on the article. It does not answer the question.
I recently had some pez for the first time in like 20 years. The candy was better when I was a kid. I can still remember the grape and strawberry flavors, and the modern ones are shit.
… Are we supposed to guess what that term is?
Why? Because it’s owned by Nazis.
I love Libby! Saved my kid from a failed research assignment when he realized he was supposed to use book sources for research at 9pm the night before it was due.
Lead pipes have been illegal for in-house water plumbing for a very long time. Even older houses that were built before regulations have been replaced in almost every home in the USA.
It’s the buried infrastructure that has not been fully replaced, in part because cold, treated water does not leech lead into the supply very quickly. Part of the reason Flint became a disaster is that the city decided to switch from Lake Huron, which was treated and protected, to the Flint River, where the water needed to be treated at the Flint water treatment facility.
Unfortunately, the Flint water treatment facility was outdated and insufficient, and the Flint River was far more polluted and corrosive. The lower pH and contaminants dissolved lead from the pipes that were previously stable, and there were also dangerous levels of bacteria causing infections.
If the city had remained on the treated Lake Huron water supply, it probably would not have been noticed and the lead pipes would still be in use today (as they are in an alarming number of places today).
Don’t forget your local library. I stopped ordering books online and started visiting the library, and not only am I reading for free, but I also find out about awesome programs my library has. They do discounted tickets for museums, book clubs, kids’ activities, and all sorts of community events.
He goes by Lapp Dogg now.
You can get used to anything. All of these suggestions that start with “everytime” will be changed to “sometimes.” Because it’s the hope that kills ya.
Both are trying to stab the other. The one that gets stabbed gets pregnant.
Which is the winner and the loser depends on personal preference.