As an artist, I think it is a net negative for us. Disregarding the copyright issue, I think it’s also consolidating power into large corporations, going to kill learning fundamental skills (rip next generation of artists), and turn the profession into a low skill minimum wage job. Artists that spent years learning and perfecting their skills will be worth nothing and I think it’s a pretty depressing future for us. Anways thoughts?

    131 year ago

    and turn the profession into a low skill minimum wage job.

    this was already a thing in many places, AI or not. (creative work salaries are absolutely abysmal in my country).

    Artists that spent years learning and perfecting their skills will be worth nothing and I think it’s a pretty depressing future for us.

    Artists worrying about losing their jobs and livelihoods is heartbreaking of course. But history will keep repeating itself by replacing humans with machines and AI if we don’t put a stop to the capitalist madness we live in.

    I have way more to say about this but the brain fog is strong right now. Solidarity with you and all the other people at risk of losing their jobs to capitalist greed.

    • @Bl00dyH3ll@lemmygrad.mlOP
      31 year ago

      Thank you, I just feel like why automate something that people enjoy doing? When I think of a utopia, I think of having free time to socialize and to pursue your passions. I wish everyone can be artists (or whatever else you want), instead the only jobs left will be fry cooks (no disrespect to these skilled labourers), since it seems it will be the last thing to be automated.