Alright enough shitposting for now, hope everyone enjoyed

  • SovereignState
    71 year ago

    I don’t disagree with you, Christianity, explicitly fascistic Christian belief, maintains an iron grip on many nations and its power structures need to be systematically dismantled. I do also believe that it is a pragmatic idea to pinpoint the most powerful and detrimental sects of Christianity and fight against their growth (whatever that actually looks like from a praxis standpoint). Religions with sects and that went through schisms are entrenched into the earth like no other octopus’s tentacles, and there are a lot of tentacles with varying degrees of power and of negative consequence. I am not saying the ideological quirks and silly Christian infighting matter all that much, but the varying degrees of power these sects wield does. Am I making sense?

    • Yes, you are. And from a praxis standpoint, is simply counterpropaganda, and scientific education (specially biology and astrophysics) what cures cultist mentality.