She was staunchly pro-Heard, which in and of itself isn’t a problem. However, she lied about reaching out to pro-Depp commentators (some of whom were lawyers) for comments for a piece she wrote, and the article was then stealth-edited after she got called out by several commentators.
Together with her later insistence that she did not share a meme calling Biden a war criminal, only to later admit to doing exactly that, I don’t find her reporting particularly trustworthy. I try to verify her facts from other sources, and I mostly avoid her opinion pieces.
She was staunchly pro-Heard, which in and of itself isn’t a problem. However, she lied about reaching out to pro-Depp commentators (some of whom were lawyers) for comments for a piece she wrote, and the article was then stealth-edited after she got called out by several commentators.
Together with her later insistence that she did not share a meme calling Biden a war criminal, only to later admit to doing exactly that, I don’t find her reporting particularly trustworthy. I try to verify her facts from other sources, and I mostly avoid her opinion pieces.