• Gloomy
    5 hours ago

    I don’t know about that. What I do is try to listen to why a group thinks a word is offensive.

    The thing with “retard” is that it has been used to refer to people with mental disabilities for a very long time. By saying “republicans are retards” you say “rebilocsns are as stupid as people that were born with a mental disability”.

    Thing is, people with mental disabilities are still people. There are goofy, snarky, nice, some are even quite big assholes. Many can be a lot of fun to interact with. They are just people, even if they are not as intelligent as you or me.

    Referring to people as retarded, to me, means setting mentaly disabled people as the baseline for beeing idiots. And I just don’t think it’s fair to reduce them to something, they had no saying in what so ever. They didn’t choose to be born that way and they shouldn’t be reduced to just that.

    /rant I guess