It’s good to reflect sometimes.

I myself am feeling a bit dull lately. I’m working so hard at both my place of work and for the party that I forget that life has more to offer than communist propaganda spreading lol. I need to go out and touch grass more often. Today, for example, started at 6 and ended at 23 after cleaning, working, cooking and having a meeting with the party. Currently decompressing with wine and Harry Styles.

How about you guys?

    121 year ago

    The daily routine of work and sleep is killing me. I need something new. Like a wild vacation where it’s only me traveling by train across a country.

    Still in the best shape I’ve been in over six months but not back to that near elite level I once was at so to not have that anymore is kind of depressing too, but I think it will come soon as I can see the progress almost every week.

    Intense reading of hard subjects seems like it helps against monotony. I guess it helps the mind escape while also forcing it to work, which is different than watching youtube videos. Definitely need to keep reading the class analysis of rome, and further solidify my understanding of unequal exchange.

    Kind of want to get a venus flytrap too. Seems like a good pet to have. Bit more “alive” than most other plants lol.

    • KiG V2
      91 year ago

      I hope you can escape your repressive routine.

      In my 1st and 2nd hand experience Venus fly traps are very hard to keep alive, but none of us are botanists or even very responsible pet owners by any stretch of the imagination.

        71 year ago

        Yeah I’ve done a little reading and they seem like very sensitive plants. What was the part you found hardest?

        • KiG V2
          61 year ago

          Not feeding them bugs I found 😅 because everytime I would they would die! Maybe it was a bad bug choice 🤔

    • DankZedong OP
      31 year ago

      Why not start planning the trip? Doesn’t have to be now but let’s say, summer 2024?

      I want to do something similar as well where I will now save some money, keep working and go on a 4 or 5 month long hike next year. I don’t know where I’ll hike to, nor do I really care tbh. I just want to get away for a while and be on the road, having adventures.

        11 year ago

        Sorry for the late response comrade. Sleep has been scarce lately. I think I might just do what you suggested. Looking forward to planning. Where have you been thinking of?

        • DankZedong OP
          11 year ago

          My father in law does these trips where he goes away for months. Last summer he biked from his house in The Netherlands to the most northern part of Norway, took him four months. He also walked from his house to Rome and that sounds fun to me as well, so I might do that.

          Or I´ll just leave and make a plan from day to day. Just walk, doesn’t matter where, as long as I’m going. South to Spain through France sounds fun. Or West to Russia lol.