It’s good to reflect sometimes.

I myself am feeling a bit dull lately. I’m working so hard at both my place of work and for the party that I forget that life has more to offer than communist propaganda spreading lol. I need to go out and touch grass more often. Today, for example, started at 6 and ended at 23 after cleaning, working, cooking and having a meeting with the party. Currently decompressing with wine and Harry Styles.

How about you guys?

    111 year ago

    I’m not doing so great. I’ve been neglecting myself more and more since the start of the pandemic. The past few months have been especially bad. I barely get out of bed except for when I absolutely have to anymore. I have little/no desire to do things or talk to people. I’m surprised I’m even still able to keep up with my job.

    The part that drives me nuts is that I have more than enough time and resources to put in the work to fix this. For the longest time though, I’ve just been putting off doing anything while all I do is lay down and rot.