I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Depend what socialist circles.

    Among infantile disorders and opportunists is that i support Russia in the Ukraine war (critically of course, but opportunists and ID don’t get that term in the first place).

    Among ML’s is that atheism is an integral part of materialism and thus marxism (shouldn’t be any controversial since its obvious but still it cause shitstorm every time it surfaces)

    Also a weird one since most of people will agree with effects but i was already banned in some places for saying that - patriotism have class characteristics and is not a term to be screamed upon and exorcised just because some US youtube shitheads try to apropriate it.