I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I firmly believe that you guys raise many good points but I’m a black man in America so I still have a few homegrown beliefs that I can’t shake. I think belief in God or a god is unfairly discriminated against in leftist circles. Fascists aren’t evil because they have faith, their evil because they use faith as a shield and spear to attack others.

    • Black AOC
      231 year ago

      You’ve nailed how I feel about it. Like, I don’t have a problem with a religious person; what I have a problem with is the organized ‘religious’ using their religions as a cudgel.

      • @ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
        71 year ago

        Yeah religion doesn’t have to be like our modern Abrahamic religions in the west. Everyone has some sort of ‘religion’ anyway that helps us understand the world, why not share it with our community? It’s only a problem when it crosses into orthodoxy

        • not everyone has religion, no not even any spiritualness plenty of us dont need it and its frankly offensive you would suggest otherwise. and if it doesnt have to be like it is then why is it the way it is? idk 2 millennium at least of it being the way it is isnt counter acted by u saying “its actually great”.

          • @ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
            21 year ago

            I don’t consider myself religious or spiritual but acknowledge that communism and Marxism occupies a similiar place in my brain as a compass that helps me process and understand the world around me. I don’t think its offensive to suggest that this is a near universal part of the human experience. And the last 2000 years religion has been used as a tool by the ruling classes, who is to say religion can’t exist in a fundamentally different way in a classless society?

            • dialectical materialism is not a compass it is a method it doesnt tell u arbitrary values with no justification that some dude thousands of years ago thought were good or benefited him, it allows u to actually think for yourself and analyze things, and if it a fixed compass for you, always pointing the same way with no understanding or reason then u arent using it you simply picked an application of it by someone you licked and follow it dogmatically and yes it IS offensive to suggest everyone else does the same. and sure who knows what religion will look like in a classless society but the imperialist slaver and misogynist propaganda wont magically disappear the religious text that it is in so unless people decide to dump the very foundational ideas and texts and costumes of the most popular religions that exist right now it will always be a threat to said society.

              • @ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
                91 year ago

                It feels like you are willfully misinterpreting what I am saying tbh. Compass here is operating as a metaphor, and I don’t like the implication that I am somehow perverting dialectical materialism because you don’t like my turn of phrase. Human beings aren’t computers, we have subjective experience that amounts to more than just logical operation. Regardless of whether we are applying science or not, there is still an experiential aspect of everything we do. And when did I say I was talking about modern popular religions when I was merely talking about religion in the abstract? I was clearly not suggesting that Christianity should be incorporated into Marxism or encouraged in socialist society or something

    • JoYo
      161 year ago

      isn’t that like one of the ten commandments? using god to promote fascism sure seems like taking their name in vain.

      • Judging from the lack of any noticeable reaction, he’s definitely not angry. Considering the multiple times he punished Israelites for way less, and taking pardon me for saying that, holocaust into consideration, god is a fascist himself.

        Or he, idk, just don’t exist