I must confess to getting a little sick of seeing the endless stream of articles about this (along with the season finale of Succession and the debt ceiling), but what do you folks think? Is this something we should all be worrying about, or is it overblown?

EDIT: have a look at this: https://beehaw.org/post/422907

  • Butterbee (She/Her)
    511 months ago

    I think that’s realistically what we’re going to have to deal with in our daily lives. The big spooky AI threat I feel like it’s a distraction to keep us from looking at climate change, socio-economic inbalance, the rising boldness of bigotry. All things those people profit from.

    • hedgeOP
      411 months ago

      It’s funny that with all this tech that’s supposed to increase human knowledge (at least from a positive pre-cyberpunk sci-fi-type mindset), it just ends up doing the opposite and confusing everyone to the point where people can’t distinguish between what’s real and what isn’t.