Kind of amazing how many instances are blocking lemmygrad as soon as they’re created. I know that liberals really don’t like dissenting opinions but goddamn

    2111 months ago

    The ‘fediverse’ and all this talk of decentralization being great for leftist organization completely falls apart when the aspects most benefitted by decentralization is immediately delisted/blocked by libshits.

      11 months ago

      The way I see it, this isn’t really a step backwards. On the centralized platforms, our communities get banned and their ashes get scattered to the winds. On the fediverse, we get blacklisted by large instances operated by liberals, but our communities remain intact and can still network with one another directly. We are also protected from ideologically hostile admins quietly picking off our comrades one by one.

    • stasis
      911 months ago

      fr :( i like the fediverse but libs ruin it

        1711 months ago

        Libs ruin everything. lol. They have plagued every good leftist sub to ever exist. They pile in because the memes are funny but then they start screeching about “gommunism no food 10 trillion dead.” Eventually pushing out all the leftists that made the sub shine and turning it into an unfunny cesspit of liberal brain rot. Causing them to search out the next sub with good memes and content. Repeating the cycle endlessly. They are parasites. Nothing less.