Some comrades on Discord were saying that the USSR during Khrushchev’s time was putting down communist movements in Peru and India and supporting the reactionary Indian government. The Peru stuff is rather dubious considering that Fujimori rose to power during Gorby’s time, but the Khrushchevites started acting imperialist towards the rest of the Eastern Bloc. (Ulbricht was soooooo much better than Honecker as Honecker simped for the Khrushchevites). That comrade has some interesting opinions on China, such as that the CPC isn’t really socialist after the right-deviationist takeover by Deng. I think that the Go4 were better than Deng, and that Xi Jinping’s trying to clean up the mess made by Jiang and Hu.

    1011 months ago

    You have just performed the cyber equivalent of shaking up several carbonated beverages, and tossing them into a library filled with leftists.

    My recommendation to this is to avoid the path others who have come to the same conclusions as you have fallen into: The story of the ultra left on Lemmygrad is one of exile due to an inability to play nicely with others. One can be pro-GO4 and/or anti-Dengist, but one must be respectful with others who do not hold the same views and one must be productive as well. Propagate your understanding of events, do not spend your time solely attacking others for theirs, whether their view seems revisionist to you or not. I believe there is a difference between being pro-GO4 and/or anti-Dengist and being an ultra left 3rd worldist/Maoist. I too once held similar views and this is why I say this.

    I will say Khrushchev was hindered by the pre-existing Soviet infrastructure as well as the interests of the Soviet People and of course the geopolitical position the SU held which is evident when evaluating present day Russia who still occupies this space however without being in it with the other conditions present as well. This is why much of post Socialist MOP/revisionist USSR is remembered diversely by the Soviet Peoples with some saying good and bad things about the leadership (namely Brezhnev).