…unless they also condemn the USA for invading Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

Most European territories serve the USA’s geopolitical goals. Sanctions against Russia right now are part of that. There’s nothing moral about it. It’s simply a service to the USA for being in its sphere of influence. There is nothing, not a single shred of integrity in that.

If you find a territory which sanctions Russia for its crime, and also the USA for its crimes, you can recognise it as a real principled act.

  • @hanabatake@lemmy.ml
    72 years ago

    I agree, the intention is an important part. But the genocide is not the “intention of destruction” but the “intentional destruction”. So the figure are also important. Seen the figure, no genocide has occurred.

    However, I continue to think there is no legitimate reason for Putin to invade. If there were Ukraine’s intention to destroy the Russian Ethnic, how do you explain such low mortality if there were a genocide ? It has been 8 years!

    Sorry but the video is unrelated. It is released after the invasion. The guy is a POS, tho

    • @guojing@lemmy.ml
      -52 years ago

      Its amazing. There is supposedly a genocide happening in Xinjiang, without evidence that even a single person was killed. In Donbass, Ukraine fired with artillery and warplanes into city centers every day over 8 years, and that is somehow completely normal and acceptable? Do you think people simply get used to having their homes bombed?

      I also wonder what specific number or percentage you would consider a “legitimate genocide”. 10%, 50% or even 90% ? Does the percentage change when the genocide is happening in another country?

      • @hanabatake@lemmy.ml
        62 years ago

        how do you explain such low mortality if there were a genocide ? It has been 8 years!

        You did not answer the question.

        Words have a meaning. Ambiguity is a logical fallacy that Putin is using to justify war.

        • @guojing@lemmy.ml
          -12 years ago

          You must have very short attention span.

          Luckily that was not achieved, because LDNR militias defeated Ukronazis on the battlefield.