Im joining in on the reddit ditching thing, and was kinda worried at first that i wouldnt be able to like use it the way i did reddit as it feels like a whole new place, but after engaging with posts and people and actually being a part of lemmy rather than being lurk mode all the time i was pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to become a member of the community, theres a reasonable amount of subs (or whatever the other word for em is) that fit my interests, enough linux content and shitposting for my liking, and the overall random posts made by people equally fed up with Leddit. (also i admit i used reddit a little cus there was this post on the fedora sub showing how to fix a sound issue i been having after a recent update)

  • @sillypuddy
    61 year ago

    I’m loving it!

    As an aside, I know a lot of people are using Jerboa for their mobile browsing app of choice, but I’ve discovered that you can just use the Lemmy progressive web app (PWA) instead and get the same experience as desktop. In Chrome, login to whatever Lemmy instance you’re registered with, click the triple dot menu, and click “install app”. You’ll get a “Lemmy” app downloaded and added to your homescreen that looks and functions just like the website.

      31 year ago

      On iPhone you can do similar with Safari. “Add to Home Screen” on the share menu.

      There’s also the native app, Mlem. But it’s really still in an alpha stage. The website is much more usable right now.

        11 year ago

        I’ve been using Mlem and am enjoying it, and the dev is fairly responsive and updates frequently. I hope to see it grow and improve. The Lemmy PWA on both my phone and on windows doesn’t have any navigation so I couldn’t figure out how to go back once I opened a thread. Unless I am missing something!

    • @bruhsoulz@lemmy.mlOP
      11 year ago

      personally i dont like apps especially on mobile as ive had negative experiences with them (my wifi is shit) but thats cool to know (yo i just noticed i said apps instead of web apps xD)

      01 year ago

      What’s the benefit over visiting the website, is it just less steps to open?

      • @sillypuddy
        1 year ago

        Update: I just like having the app sitting in my homescreen