So I have a pretty severe peanut allergy which means Ive never purposely ate a peanut and have therefore never tasted one without being in panic mode. People have told me that they taste like regular nuts which just makes me more confused. If you were given a selection of other nuts like cashews and almonds, what would compel you to go out of your way for peanuts? A lot of my friends who like them can’t even explain why they like them.

I know that most people like them salted or roasted. Is it just a fidget exercise when you eat them plain?

  • Dr Cog
    38 months ago

    Oh, it’s definitely likely to be more than just saturated fats at play. My post was a) a gross oversimplification, and b) probably missing some nuance that I’m not informed on. My doctorate is in cognitive psychology, not nutrition science :)

      18 months ago

      My doctorate is in cognitive psychology, not nutrition science :)

      Oh, hey! Is that still a thing? I.e. the ‘Penn School approach?’ Bahh… I have my local pride, after all, yet still… Cheesesteaks! :D