The messed up sleep cycle is likely their own doing, but delayed circadian rhythm has been connected to ADHD. The main debate has been whether one contributes to the development of the other, but it’s most likely they go hand-in-hand.
Anyone regularly up that late does have a higher chance of being some type of divergent, but lifelong suffering is not a requirement to make people create. Anyone can do that. The whole correlation/causation thing
Do you have a source for that, or did you just make it up?
The messed up sleep cycle is likely their own doing, but delayed circadian rhythm has been connected to ADHD. The main debate has been whether one contributes to the development of the other, but it’s most likely they go hand-in-hand.
They may have made it up, but that’s ok because username checks out, they are Ziltoid… THE OMNISCIENT (one of my favorite albums ;))
Up to 80% of those on the schizophrenic spectrum suffer from insomnia.
While we are stereotyped as having a higher share of creatives, I wouldn’t romanticize it — professional artists aren’t actually any more likely than anyone else is to have a mental disorder, barring a small, weird uptick in bipolar as well as the schizotypal -siblings- of a schizophrenic. So there seems to be some sort of sweet spot, but it’s so small it barely matters.
Anyone regularly up that late does have a higher chance of being some type of divergent, but lifelong suffering is not a requirement to make people create. Anyone can do that. The whole correlation/causation thing