After seeing what AI seems to do with “Norman Rockwell painting style” I am thinking of making a whole ass calendar and having it printed with slightly “wrong” pictures. Since the Norman Rockwell sort of calendar is so common/overlooked I am thinking I might even trick a few people.
If anyone want to add some months feel free, and anyone can use the finished template to print their own. I will share the finished file with my favourite 12 (or 13 for Smarch).
To start off here is my ideas for:
November (or Oct in Canada) “thanksgiving dinner being cooked, Norman Rockwell painting style. The dinner is being made by sentient turkeys, they are making feelings.”
And Jan “Norman Rockwell painting style of an abandoned hunting house on a snowy day. There has been a crime in the house.”
March? Maybe not weird enough:
Also who shot off this mans shins?